Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Real Cure for "Obamacare": Medicare for All | Common Dreams

A Real Cure for "Obamacare": Medicare for All | Common Dreams
"With the approaching Supreme Court showdown on the President Obama’s 2010 health care law (the Affordable Care Act, modeled on Mitt Romney’s law in Massachusetts), the U.S. healthcare system remains a dysfunctional mess, as nurses bear witness to every day"

'Anonymous' Crashes Interpol Website

'Anonymous' Crashes Interpol Website
"nterpol's website crashed for a short time yesterday due to an "Anonymous cyber-attack" after the international police agency announced they had arrested 25 suspected members of the hacktivist group in Europe and South America."

Mitt Romney Comes Out In Favor Of Giving Student Loan Money Back To Wall Street Banks

Mitt Romney Comes Out In Favor Of Giving Student Loan Money Back To Wall Street Banks: pBallooning student loan debt has become a critical issue for American families who have struggled through the recession to balance those loans with other payments and obligations as they try to make ends meet. Loan debt has increased exponentially in the last 20 years, and in 2011, total student loan debt exceeded $1 trillion for [...]/p

Stop Starving Public Universities and Shrinking the Middle Class | Common Dreams

Stop Starving Public Universities and Shrinking the Middle Class | Common Dreams
"Last week Rick Santorum called the President “a snob” for wanting everyone to get a college education (in fact, Obama never actually called for universal college education but only for a year or more of training after high school)."

Time for Government to Stand Ground and Protect Assange | Common Dreams

Time for Government to Stand Ground and Protect Assange | Common Dreams
"WikiLeaks's latest release of confidential emails obtained from the US private intelligence firm Stratfor indicate the US Department of Justice has issued a secret, sealed indictment against Julian Assange. While the Department of Justice has refused to confirm the existence of the Assange indictment - it refuses to comment upon any alleged sealed indictment - the Stratfor email is the best confirmation we have of the long-stated concerns about the risk of Assange's extradition to the US to face criminal prosecution for his publishing activities with WikiLeaks."

UVA Students Entering Day 11 of Hunger Strike Want You to Know Their Fight is Real | AlterNet

UVA Students Entering Day 11 of Hunger Strike Want You to Know Their Fight is Real | AlterNet
"After years of dialogue with administration, marches, rallies, petitions, and public resolutions, the Living Wage Campaign of UVA began a Hunger Strike on Feb. 18th to urge the university to enact a living wage policy. Organizers are asking school administrators to pay their employees enough to meet the basic cost of living in Charlottesville"

UVA Students Entering Day 11 of Hunger Strike Want You to Know Their Fight is Real (Vid)

Wikileaks Exposes DHS Spying on Occupy Movement | Truthout

Wikileaks Exposes DHS Spying on Occupy Movement | Truthout
"Rolling Stone's Michael Hastings last night posted a story on an internal DHS report entitled "SPECIAL COVERAGE: Occupy Wall Street," dated October of last year. The five-page report, part of five million newly leaked documents obtained by Wikileaks, sums up the history of the movement and assesses its "impact" on the financial services and government facilities."

Occupy Wall Street Rallies Monitored by Dow Chemical | Truthout

Occupy Wall Street Rallies Monitored by Dow Chemical | Truthout
"Last night, Wikileaks revealed a massive trove of e-mails from the firm Stratfor. The e-mails show that the company, working on behalf of chemical giant Dow Chemical, closely monitored news coverage of the Occupy Wall Street movement."

Victory: Grassroots Pressure Leads to Closure of Two Highly Polluting Coal Plants in Chicago | Common Dreams

Victory: Grassroots Pressure Leads to Closure of Two Highly Polluting Coal Plants in Chicago | Common Dreams
"Agreements signed by Midwest Generation, the Clean Power Coalition, and the City of Chicago indicate that the Fisk coal plant in Pilsen will shut down in 2012 and the Crawford coal plant in Little Village will shut down by 2014."

Students On Hunger Strike For Living Wage

Gas Spike Takes $5 Billion From The 99 Percent And Gives It To Big Oil

Gas Spike Takes $5 Billion From The 99 Percent And Gives It To Big Oil: pThe surging price of gasoline means that the 99 percent are giving big oil companies a $5 billion windfall, a Center for American Progress analysis estimates. Oil prices, which averaged a near-record $103 per barrel in 2011, have risen steadily since the beginning of 2012. In tandem with oil prices, gasoline prices are also rising [...]/p

Dangerous Pedagogy in the Age of Casino Capitalism and Religious Fundamentalism | Truthout

Dangerous Pedagogy in the Age of Casino Capitalism and Religious Fundamentalism | Truthout
"All over the world, the forces of neoliberalism are on the march, dismantling the historically guaranteed social provisions provided by the welfare state, defining profit-making and market freedoms as the essence of democracy while diminishing civil liberties as part of the alleged "war" against terrorism."

Shut Down the Corporations!: Occupy Groups Target ALEC | Common Dreams

Shut Down the Corporations!: Occupy Groups Target ALEC | Common Dreams
"Over 70 cities are participating today in a national day of action called by Occupy Portland to "Shut Down the Corporations." The group calls for non-violent direct action to "target corporations that are part of the American Legislative Exchange Council which is a prime example of the way corporations buy off legislators and craft legislation that serves the interests of corporations and not people."

Ayn Rand Worshippers Should Face Facts: Blue States Are the Providers, Red State Are the Parasites | Visions | AlterNet

Ayn Rand Worshippers Should Face Facts: Blue States Are the Providers, Red State Are the Parasites | Visions | AlterNet
"There's only one way to demonstrate who America's producers and parasites really are. It's time to go Galt."

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

70 Cities Nationwide Stand up to Corporate Greed and ALEC National Day of Action to Resist the Selling Out of the 99%

70 Cities Nationwide Stand up to Corporate Greed and ALEC National Day of Action to Resist the Selling Out of the 99%
"On February 29th, concerned citizens, students, and occupiers in over seventy cities across the nation, including Occupy Wall Street (NYC), are standing up to the corporations and legislators involved in American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). The biggest corporations in America, including ExxonMobil, Bank of America, BP, Monsanto, Pfizer, and Wal-Mart use ALEC to buy off legislators and craft legislation that puts corporate profit over the well-being of ordinary people. Responding to a national call from Occupy Portland, this will be the Occupy Movement’s largest coordinated action this year and will confront ALEC corporations in the cities in which they do business throughout the nation."

The Fox Effect: How Roger Ailes Turned a Network into a Propaganda Machine

Using leaked internal emails and Roger Ailes’ own writings, including a never-before-seen private letter, there has never been a more compelling summation of Fox’s dangerous and destructive role in our democracy. The Fox Effect offers new insights into Fox News and powerfully describes the harmful consequences of this political operation masquerading as a news network. You won’t be able to put it down.

PERRspectives: Obama's Affordable Care Act to the Rescue for Texas

PERRspectives: Obama's Affordable Care Act to the Rescue for Texas
"By almost any measure, Texas has one of the worst health care systems in the nation. Its 26 percent uninsured rate - no other state is even close - put its dead last. Overall, health care in the Lone Star State is ranked 44th by America's Health Rankings and 46th by the Commonwealth Fund. Two years ago, it was ranked the 39th healthiest state."

Hungry Detroit Boy: 'Tomorrow Is My Night’ To Eat. Meanwhile, Gov. Rick Snyder Slashes Safety Net

Hungry Detroit Boy: 'Tomorrow Is My Night’ To Eat. Meanwhile, Gov. Rick Snyder Slashes Safety Net
“I was visiting with this family and one of the little boys said he wasn’t going to eat,” said Russell, development director for Forgotten Harvest, a Detroit-based nonprofit that rescues and redistributes fresh food. “He said, ‘Oh, I’m not eating dinner because it’s my brother’s turn tonight. Tomorrow is my night.’”

Resurrecting Ayn Rand: Hedge Fund Money Teams Up With Koch & BB&T » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Resurrecting Ayn Rand: Hedge Fund Money Teams Up With Koch & BB&T » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
"While it has been well known that the oil billionaire, Charles Koch, has been funneling tens of millions of dollars through his foundation into economic programs at public universities and mandating approval of faculty and curriculum in some instances, it has not heretofore been reported that a sweeping partnership in these programs has sprung up between Koch and the southern banking giant, BB&T, the latter corporation mandating that Ayn Rand’s book Atlas Shrugged is taught and distributed to students."

Jim Crow For The Poor

Jim Crow For The Poor
"I refuse to believe that this is real, and that someone is actually arguing this as a serious proposal, and that said proposal was deemed serious enough for publication by a secondary party, but it seems too earnestly argued to be parody, and nowhere is it identified as such."

How Much is That Politician in the Window?

Sarah van Gelder on a record season of corporate-funded political advertising and what it means for the 99 percent."

Upper Class People are More Likely to Behave Selfishly, Studies Suggest

Upper Class People are More Likely to Behave Selfishly, Studies Suggest
"A raft of studies into unethical behaviour across the social classes has delivered a withering verdict on the upper echelons of society."

Wikileaks Stratfor Emails: Israel May Have Already Destroyed Iran's Nuke Program, So Why The War Drums?

Wikileaks Stratfor Emails: Israel May Have Already Destroyed Iran's Nuke Program, So Why The War Drums?
"“I think this is a diversion. The Israelis already destroyed all the Iranian nuclear infrastructure on the ground weeks ago,” one intelligence official wrote in an email dated November 14, 2011."

BREAKING: Dow Jones Closes Above 13,000 For The First Time Since May 2008

BREAKING: Dow Jones Closes Above 13,000 For The First Time Since May 2008: pMoments ago, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed over 13,000 for the first time since May 19, 2008. The stock market is now up over 56 percent since Obama took office. Today, the stock market was buoyed, in the view of one economist, by “job and income gains…leading to higher confidence and spending growth, in [...]/p

Blue America Welcomes Ken Aden (D-AR)

Blue America Welcomes Ken Aden (D-AR)
"One of the most inventive progressive grassroots strategists in the country is Ken Aden of Arkansas' 3rd district. Ken is one of those rare politicians with both the common touch and a long term vision who has sat down and thought through how to wage his campaign on the ground, one on one."

WikiLeaks: "Private Spies" Stratfor Helped Dow Chemical Monitor Bhopal Activists, Yes Men

Occupy London Evicted, While US Occupations Gear Up for Action Against ALEC | AlterNet

Occupy London Evicted, While US Occupations Gear Up for Action Against ALEC | AlterNet
"ALEC is one of the most successful mechanisms used by the 1% to control state and federal laws. It is much more than a lobby group. ALEC creates model legislation written to increase the profits of large corporations, and hands it off in secret to lawmakers who then introduce it as their own. ALEC has been responsible for some of the most anti-democratic and repressive legislation to grab headlines in recent history. The anti-union bills which caused massive protests in Wisconsin were written by ALEC, as was the anti-immigrant SB1070 passed in Arizona."

Occupy DC Helps Grandmother Avoid Eviction, Stay In Her Home

Occupy DC Helps Grandmother Avoid Eviction, Stay In Her Home: pAn hour after Occupy DC protesters organized a rally outside Freddie Mac’s offices in downtown Washington, DC yesterday on behalf of a Maryland resident facing eviction, the mortgage giant announced that it had developed plan to keep her in her home. Bertina Jones, of Prince George’s county, a suburb of DC, was “a perfect example [...]/p

Rich People Are Creeps | Common Dreams

Rich People Are Creeps | Common Dreams
" One analysis by the Wall Steet Journal found that the rare 1% facing foreclosure get to stay in their mansions six months longer than regular folks faced with losing their homes."

Wall Street Fights Back Against Bid to Curb Oil Speculation | Common Dreams

Wall Street Fights Back Against Bid to Curb Oil Speculation | Common Dreams
" the financial sector lobbyists had hired Eugene Scalia to make their case. "He’s the son of outspoken conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia," they report, "and last year he won a key challenge to a Dodd-Frank rulemaking being carried out by the Securities and Exchange Commission. In that case, the courts struck down provisions that would have made it easier for shareholders to run candidates for corporate boards."

As Republicans Claim Wall Street Reform Is Killing Banks, Bank Profits Hit Highest Level Since 2006

As Republicans Claim Wall Street Reform Is Killing Banks, Bank Profits Hit Highest Level Since 2006: pAs House Republicans and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce team up for their latest assault on the Dodd-Frank financial reform law, specifically a rule reining in banks’ risky trading, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has released its latest Quarterly Banking Profile, which shows that GOP claims regarding Dodd-Frank killing America’s banks have little truth [...]/p

Tax Cash-Hoarding Banks, Create Jobs and Protect Social Security | Truthout

Tax Cash-Hoarding Banks, Create Jobs and Protect Social Security | Truthout
"As the severe unemployment crisis drags into its third year, proposals for solving the crisis are proliferating. Still more ideas will tossed into the mix as the 2012 election season intensifies."

President Obama Dings Romney In UAW Speech

How Bank Of America Could Take A Chunk Of Some Americans’ Tax Returns

How Bank Of America Could Take A Chunk Of Some Americans’ Tax Returns: pBack in November, we noted how Bank of America was raking in millions of dollars in fees by contracting with states to put unemployment benefits on BofA debit cards. By using those cards, people can get hit with all manner of charges — including ATM fees — when they attempt to access their benefits. One [...]/p

Texas Medicaid Director: 91 Percent Of Texans Will Have Insurance If State Implements Obamacare

Texas Medicaid Director: 91 Percent Of Texans Will Have Insurance If State Implements Obamacare: pTexas Republicans are taking a hardline against implementing the exchanges in the Affordable Care Act and currently have “no plans to implement an exchange” in the state. But during a House Public Health and Insurance Committees hearing yesterday, Billy Millwee, the State Medicad Director told lawmakers that “the percentage of Texans with health insurance will [...]/p

Why Inequality Matters: Three Ways the Mortgage Crisis Has Undermined Our Legal System | Truthout

Why Inequality Matters: Three Ways the Mortgage Crisis Has Undermined Our Legal System | Truthout
"Banks are demonstrating that if you have enough money and influence, you’re not expected to follow the same laws as everyone else."

Ayn Rand: the Tea Party’s Miscast Matriarch » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Ayn Rand: the Tea Party’s Miscast Matriarch » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
"Rand, and her supporters, including Alan Greenspan, viewed altruism as evil: altruism is evil, selfishness is good. And tens of millions of dollars of corporate money is backing that philosophy today in America, no doubt to give obscenely paid CEOs a sip of Rand’s guilt-free narcissism while stoking the fires for more deregulation of a country just crawling back from the crippling effects of deregulation. This is the mindless irrationality of Rand’s brand of rationality."

WikiLeaks 2.0: How Julian Assange's Partnership with Anonymous Could Change the Landscape of Hacktivism | Media | AlterNet

WikiLeaks 2.0: How Julian Assange's Partnership with Anonymous Could Change the Landscape of Hacktivism | Media | AlterNet
"A new age of transparency activism may have just begun."

Monday, February 27, 2012

WikiLeaks: Disgraced Judge Said He Was Targeted for Investigation After Ruling Against Halliburton | Truthout

WikiLeaks: Disgraced Judge Said He Was Targeted for Investigation After Ruling Against Halliburton | Truthout
"he believes the Justice Department may have targeted him after he ruled against Halliburton in a "heavy case," according to an email leaked by WikiLeaks."

Over Last 10 Years, General Electric’s Effective Tax Rate Was 2.3 Percent

Over Last 10 Years, General Electric’s Effective Tax Rate Was 2.3 Percent: pThe Obama administration unveiled its corporate tax reform plan last week, which would lower the top rate from 35 percent to 28 percent, billing it as an effort to help make the American corporate tax code more competitive. Republicans have long crowed for corporate tax reform, saying America’s high marginal rate stifles competition, but they [...]/p

Thom Hartmann: The Global Power Shift to the BRIC Nations

F-35 (Still) $1 Trillion Fiasco | Common Dreams

F-35 (Still) $1 Trillion Fiasco | Common Dreams
"The Pentagon has decided to continue "low-rate" production of the F-35 stealth jet, reportedly the most advanced, expensive and dysfunctional weapons program in U.S. history - this, despite an estimated pricetag of $1 trillion to operate a fleet of 2,443"

After Voting For Tuition Hike, Arizona State Representative Tells Poor Students: ‘Welcome To Life’

After Voting For Tuition Hike, Arizona State Representative Tells Poor Students: ‘Welcome To Life’: pLast week, an Arizona House Committee approved a bill requiring even the poorest students to pay a minimum of $2,000 per year to attend public university in the Grand Canyon State. Arizona Republicans took up the measure, HB 2675, after hearing that nearly half of students at Arizona State University did not pay tuition in [...]/p

University of Virginia Football Player Goes On Hunger Strike To Get Living Wage For University Employees

University of Virginia Football Player Goes On Hunger Strike To Get Living Wage For University Employees: pJoseph Williams moved more than 30 times as a child, living in homeless shelters, church basements, and the homes of family friends. Now Williams, a junior safety on the University of Virginia football team, is taking up a cause supporting university workers who are barely making enough to get by. Williams is one of 18 [...]/p

Oligarchy in the U.S.A. -- In These Times

Oligarchy in the U.S.A. -- In These Times
"Across all political spectrums, oligarchs are people (never corporations or other organizations) who command massive concentrations of material resources (that is, wealth) that can be deployed to defend or enhance their own property and interests, even if they don’t own those resources personally. Without this massive concentration of wealth, there are no oligarchs."

Taxmaggedon and the Tax Reform Farce | AlterNet

Taxmaggedon and the Tax Reform Farce | AlterNet
"If you start with a revenue level that’s based on the tax rates that will go into effect on January 1, 2013, and then go after everything at once, the result will likely be cleaner and more efficient."

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Credit: Blue Gal

WikiLeaks Publishes 5 Million 'Shadow CIA' E-Mails | Common Dreams

WikiLeaks Publishes 5 Million 'Shadow CIA' E-Mails | Common Dreams
"WikiLeaks announced tonight that it is publishing documents it is calling "The Global Intelligence Files" which includes over 5 million e-mails from the US-based "Global Intelligence" company Stratfor, according to a statement the organization released Sunday night."

Massive Leak Reveals Criminality, Paranoia, Among Corporate Titans | Common Dreams

Massive Leak Reveals Criminality, Paranoia, Among Corporate Titans | Common Dreams
"Dow pays "strategic intelligence" firm to spy on Yes Men and grassroots activists. Takeaway: movement is on the right track!"

My Turn: Income inequality deserves our attention | Concord Monitor

My Turn: Income inequality deserves our attention | Concord Monitor
"Probably the most significant accomplishment of the Occupy Wall Street movement has been elevation of the issue of economic inequality in America. Economic inequality has not been on mainstream politicians' agenda. It has been the equivalent of background furniture."

Occupy Wall Street Weekend Round-up

Occupy Wall Street Weekend Round-up

A History of Violence: the BP Oil Spill Trial | Truthout

A History of Violence: the BP Oil Spill Trial | Truthout
"This may not all matter if there is a settlement. But anywhere that there is a history of violence is where a plate of truth and justice is best served. Poor folks in New Orleans and across the Gulf who are the victims and the accused of crimes don't have the luxuries of BP to have their histories buried. That is evidence alone that there is inequity in the justice system."

Fox News Shamelessly Smears Group That Exposed Network's Sordid History | Media | AlterNet

Fox News Shamelessly Smears Group That Exposed Network's Sordid History | Media | AlterNet
"A new book from Media Matters is being released this week that chronicles the history of Fox News, explaining how a small group of wealthy, politically connected partisans conspired to build a pseudo-news network with the intent of advancing the right-wing agenda of the Republican Party."

Republicans Block the Vote: How Voter-ID Laws Suppress Registration Drives and Block Democratic Votes | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

Republicans Block the Vote: How Voter-ID Laws Suppress Registration Drives and Block Democratic Votes | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet
"There is no real reason for voter-ID laws. Simply stated, voter-ID bills become laws because Republican legislators pass and Republican governors sign them."

How Koch Became An Oil Speculation Powerhouse

How Koch Became An Oil Speculation Powerhouse: pIn April, ThinkProgress caused a stir when we uncovered a series of Koch Industries corporate documents revealing the company’s role as an oil speculator. Like many oil companies, Koch uses legitimate hedging products to create price stability. However, the documents reveal that Koch is also participating in the unregulated derivatives markets as a financial player, [...]/p
"2011: As oil speculation again hits record highs, leading to record high oil prices, Koch’s allies in Congress fight to undermine new reforms and allow unchecked speculation to spiral out of control."

Why No One Likes Mitt Romney | Election 2012 | AlterNet

Why No One Likes Mitt Romney | Election 2012 | AlterNet
Unfortunately for Romney, this may just be the wrong cycle for an obviously out-of-touch Wall Street elitist.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Debunking Poverty Myths and Racial Stereotypes | Common Dreams

Debunking Poverty Myths and Racial Stereotypes | Common Dreams
"Race baiting has been a focus of debates in various media outlets about programs aiding those whose income is at the pit of that debate. Below are some of the most startling facts that debunk some of the poverty myths and racial stereotypes that surround social benefit programs."

Don’t Tell Us It’s Not a Class War | Common Dreams

Don’t Tell Us It’s Not a Class War | Common Dreams
"Finally, in the United States, where the President is hysterically accused of inciting class war every time he hiccups, the old pinko has just announced that he wants to lower the top corporate tax rates significantly. Take that, you greedy 1 per cent!"

Conservatives push a 'legal assault' on the Voting Rights Act

Conservatives push a 'legal assault' on the Voting Rights Act
"There's a multi-pronged attack on the most basic element of citizenship, and it's not about the people's will or state's rights, the ultimate code words for racist policies. It's about Republicans fighting progress and fighting politically the only way they can. With demographics against them, they either have to change, or eliminate as much of the voting population as possible. They've chosen their path. It's a path that an increasingly conservative, activist court could clear for them."

Kansas GOP: Poor Are Too Rich

Kansas GOP: Poor Are Too Rich
Republicans unveil a new plan raising taxes on the poorest people in the state.

Let Your Life Be a Friction to Stop the Machine

Thom Hartmann: Why Fox News Has The Right To Lie To Us

Celebrating 'All That We Share' | Common Dreams

Celebrating 'All That We Share' | Common Dreams
Annie Leonard, Creator of 'The Story of Stuff,' Shows What's At Stake with Commons Assets

Friday, February 24, 2012

Occupy the Banks: Financial Fridays

Occupy the Banks: Financial Fridays
"If there's one way to unite the 99 percent, it’s direct actions aimed at the big banks. People are angry, and it's not hard to see why: Massive bailouts; exorbitant executive salaries; huge bonuses; dishonest and illegal lending practices; fee and rate hikes; all adding to American outrage. "Too Big to Fail" is a moniker that should be applied to the American people, not a financial institution whose collapse threatens the global economy."

Serious Energy Workers Occupy Goose Island Factory

Serious Energy Workers Occupy Goose Island Factory
"Members of the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America who work at a Chicago factory are occupying their workplace after the company that runs the factory, Serious Energy, informed them that the factory would be closed and all workers would be laid off. The Goose Island plant is notable as the same location where a previous occupation took place when the former owners, Republic Windows & Doors, was the target of a successful and highly publicized labor action in 2008."

Mitt Romney: Cut Medicare, Social Security benefits for seniors

Mitt Romney: Cut Medicare, Social Security benefits for seniors
"Except for his plan to mess with Social Security and Medicare. He got much more concrete, and as has been in vogue among Republicans, wants to take away benefits. He's going Ryan-lite on Medicare (the Ryan-Wyden plan), with the addition of raising the eligibility age, and both raising the retirement age for Social Security and means testing it."

'Anonymous' Targets Private Prison System in Latest Hack | Common Dreams

'Anonymous' Targets Private Prison System in Latest Hack | Common Dreams

Global Day of Action: Occupy Our Food Supply | Common Dreams

Global Day of Action: Occupy Our Food Supply | Common Dreams

Move Your Money: San Francisco Churches Move $10 Million From Wells Fargo

Move Your Money: San Francisco Churches Move $10 Million From Wells Fargo: pAngry at the Wall Street banks that were at the center of the financial meltdown, Americans have spent the last six months moving their money to credit unions and community banks in unprecedented numbers. More than 650,000 people moved to credit unions in one month last year, and 5.6 million Americans switched banks in the [...]/p

Mitt Romney needs all those cars because of all those mansions

Mitt Romney needs all those cars because of all those mansions
Mr. 1%

The Fox Effect: Gas Prices Are a Perfect Example

The Fox Effect: Gas Prices Are a Perfect Example
"Just for fun, go hang out in a hotel bar where Fox News is on and ask a few people what they think about how expensive gas is, and whose fault it is. You'll be able to pick out the hardcore Fox Watchers from the casual ones right away."

GOP Rep. Dave Camp Disappointed That Obama’s Tax Reform Doesn’t Protect Offshore Tax Havens

GOP Rep. Dave Camp Disappointed That Obama’s Tax Reform Doesn’t Protect Offshore Tax Havens: pThe broad corporate tax reform plan released by the Obama administration this week included a provision for a minimum tax on corporate profits earned overseas, a rule aimed at preventing corporations from taking advantage of offshore tax havens like Bermuda and the Cayman Islands. The U.S. loses billions of dollars a year in tax revenue [...]/p

Does The 99% Have Support Within The Occupy Movement?

Russ Feingold On Citizens United And The Need To Overturn It

Republican Dishonesty On Gas Prices And Production

In fact, demand is the lowest it’s been since April, 1997, according to the Oil Price Information Service (OPIS).

Chicago Workers Win Chance To Save Their Jobs By Occupying Factory

Chicago Workers Win Chance To Save Their Jobs By Occupying Factory: pBack in December 2008, laid off workers at Republic Windows and Doors — a factory in Chicago — occupied their workplace to demand back vacation and severance pay, and to protest the fact that they were given just three days notice of impending job cuts. Eventually, the bank’s lender, Bank of America, relented, giving the [...]/p

Occupy's Return From Hibernation | Common Dreams

Occupy's Return From Hibernation | Common Dreams

How Financial Crisis, Economic Inequality, Social Media, and More Brought Revolutions in 2011--and Changed Us Forever | | AlterNet

How Financial Crisis, Economic Inequality, Social Media, and More Brought Revolutions in 2011--and Changed Us Forever | | AlterNet

6 Pathetic Right-Wing Attempts to Defend the Indefensible Citizens United (Debunked) | | AlterNet

6 Pathetic Right-Wing Attempts to Defend the Indefensible Citizens United (Debunked) | | AlterNet

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The CIA’s links to Wall Street: Rise of the National Security State:

The CIA’s links to Wall Street: Rise of the National Security State:
"One of the most successful frauds ever perpetrated upon the American people is the notion that the CIA exists to provide intelligence to the president. In fact, the CIA’s intimate links to Wall Street strongly suggest that the CIA was created to serve the perceived interests of investment bankers. The well documented links to Wall Street can be traced to the founding of the agency."

Catholic Nuns File Brief Supporting Affordable Care Act

Catholic Nuns File Brief Supporting Affordable Care Act: pAs further proof that conservative efforts to paint President Obama as the enemy of religion are a red herring, nearly two dozen leading Catholic nuns filed a brief in the Supreme Court last week supporting the president’s signature legislative accomplishment. The Catholic sisters who joined the brief include the leaders of many prominent religious orders [...]/p

Occupy the SEC exposes how Wall Street is using "regulatory arbitrage" to break the Volcker Rule

Thom Hartmann: Does SCOTUS Now Know Citizens United Was A Mistake?

Mitt Romney clings to his discredited ideas about auto industry bankruptcy

Mitt Romney clings to his discredited ideas about auto industry bankruptcy
"Whether Romney is constitutionally unable to admit that he was wrong, believes it would be too big a liability to admit such a massive error in his supposed area of expertise, or can't let go of his talking point that Obama gave too much to the UAW, it's not small or incidental that he is clinging to his wrongness to the point that even John King is challenging him on it."

FIVE Facts About Gas Prices

FIVE Facts About Gas Prices: pAs Gas Prices Rise, GOP Wants Even More Handouts to Big Oil Though oil demand is at its lowest since 1997, oil prices (and gas prices along with them) are once again on the rise.  Analysts are projecting gas prices will top $4 a gallon nationally and perhaps reach record highs later this year.  Despite relatively low [...]/p
"The number of oil drilling rigs in the U.S. hit a record last week, having quadrupled in number over the past three years. Between oil and gas drilling rigs, the U.S. now has more rigs at work than the rest of the world combined."

Why I Broke Up With Bank of America | Activism | AlterNet

Why I Broke Up With Bank of America | Activism | AlterNet

Wall Street banks are trashing our economy and our environment in the name of their own profits—do you buy into their corruption and greed?

5 Reasons You Should Never Agree to a Police Search (Even if You Have Nothing to Hide) | Civil Liberties | AlterNet

5 Reasons You Should Never Agree to a Police Search (Even if You Have Nothing to Hide) | Civil Liberties | AlterNet

Wis. Republicans Belittle Women | The Progressive

Wis. Republicans Belittle Women | The Progressive
"On Tuesday night, the Assembly passed SB 202, a law that repeals the Equal Pay Act signed into law in 2009 that allowed people to sue employers who illegally discriminate against them based on protected class status. This ALEC-style "tort reform" bill was authored by ALEC members Senator Glenn Grothman (R-West Bend) and Rep. Michelle Litjens (R-Oshkosh)."

Rights Are for Real People: Where the Infamous Citizens United Decision Came From and How to Overturn It | Truthout

Rights Are for Real People: Where the Infamous Citizens United Decision Came From and How to Overturn It | Truthout
"Two years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that Americans cannot prevent corporations from spending unlimited money to control elections, politicians, and policy. In Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the court ignored the fact that corporations are creations of state law with government-derived advantages and labeled them, in the words of Justice Anthony Kennedy, “voices,” “speakers,” and yes, a “disadvantaged person or class.” In this Wonderland, corporations are people, corporate money is “speech,” and laws restricting corporate political spending violate the First Amendment."

Chicagoans Protest Mayor Emanuel's Corporate School Plan | Common Dreams

Chicagoans Protest Mayor Emanuel's Corporate School Plan | Common Dreams

Seattle Port Strike Challenges ‘Independent Contractor’ Lie -- In These Times

Seattle Port Strike Challenges ‘Independent Contractor’ Lie -- In These Times

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Behind the Deepening Crisis with Iran: the Real Story Versus the Cover Story

Behind the Deepening Crisis with Iran: the Real Story Versus the Cover Story
"We must rally to prevent such a war. Peace activists must now marshal every asset for peace that we possess. The American people need to know the truth. This is a phony crisis. Yet the danger is very real. Now is the time to speak out with all of our strength. Tomorrow could come too late."

Chicagoans Protest Mayor 1% Emanuel's Corporate School Plan | Common Dreams

Chicagoans Protest Mayor 1% Emanuel's Corporate School Plan | Common Dreams

Romney Was Audit Chairman At Company That Abused Tax Shelters

Romney Was Audit Chairman At Company That Abused Tax Shelters: p2012 GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney has already run into some trouble on the topic of tax havens. The company that he ran — Bain Capital — not only abused tax havens while he was at the helm, but Romney also saw his lucrative Bain retirement package boosted by the company’s use of offshore tax [...]/p

Occupy vs. the Global Race to the Bottom | Common Dreams

Occupy vs. the Global Race to the Bottom | Common Dreams

Wall Street Oil Speculation Driving Surge in Gas Prices | Common Dreams

Wall Street Oil Speculation Driving Surge in Gas Prices | Common Dreams
"That speculators have a huge impact on oil and gasoline prices is not news to anyone paying attention to the subject over the years, but it is an aspect that most media outlets rarely mention -- even when spiking gasoline prices dominate the news cycle. And legislatively, efforts to bring damaging speculative practices under control have continually stalled in Congress."

Fired After Humiliating Photoshop Bikini Pics, Hyatt Housekeepers Have 150+ Universities Rally on Their Behalf

Fired After Humiliating Photoshop Bikini Pics, Hyatt Housekeepers Have 150+ Universities Rally on Their Behalf

Obama’s Corporate Tax Proposal Raises Taxes On Wealthy Money Managers, Ends Corporate Accounting Boondoggle

Obama’s Corporate Tax Proposal Raises Taxes On Wealthy Money Managers, Ends Corporate Accounting Boondoggle: pEarlier, we noted the headline points from the Obama administration’s corporate tax reform, which aims to cut the corporate income tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent, while doing away with a host of loopholes, credits, and deductions. It would lower the rate further, to 25 percent, for domestic manufacturers, while raising about $250 [...]/p

Obama proposes 28% corporate tax rate with fewer loopholes. Expected GOP response: Not low enough

Obama proposes 28% corporate tax rate with fewer loopholes. Expected GOP response: Not low enough

Who Owns the GOP Candidates | Truthout

Who Owns the GOP Candidates | Truthout
"Now, the limits are gone. And this comes precisely at a time when an almost unprecedented share of the nation’s income and wealth is accumulating at the top.

Never before in the history of our Republic have so few spent so much to influence the votes of so many."

Cash Of The Titans: Against The Noxious Fantasy Of Limitless Growth | Common Dreams

Cash Of The Titans: Against The Noxious Fantasy Of Limitless Growth | Common Dreams
"The concept of endless economic growth, accepted as sacrosanct by both U.S. mainstream political parties, and internalized as the dominant mode of mind by the general population of the corporate/consumer state is mirrored in the exponential mathematics of a malignancy."

Corporate Margins And Profits Are Increasing, But Workers’ Wages Aren’t

Corporate Margins And Profits Are Increasing, But Workers’ Wages Aren’t: pAs we’ve been noting, corporate profits have made it back to their pre-recession heights (even if corporate tax revenue hasn’t followed suit). In fact, in 2011, corporate profits hit their highest level since 1950. But as Bloomberg News noted today, this hasn’t translated into wage growth or more purchasing power for workers: Companies are improving [...]/p

Paul Ryan Berates Tim Geithner For Not Embracing GOP’s Medicare Privatization Scheme

Paul Ryan Berates Tim Geithner For Not Embracing GOP’s Medicare Privatization Scheme: pIf President Obama’s newly-proposed budget were to be enacted, it’s long-run projections show U.S. debt stabilizing as a percentage of GDP until approximately 2030, after which it begins to rise again indefinitely. Last Thursday, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) decided to take Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner to task over those numbers: RYAN: Leaders [...]/p

Ex-Marine Arrested In California For Protesting Bank Foreclosure On His Home, Now Faces Imminent Eviction

Ex-Marine Arrested In California For Protesting Bank Foreclosure On His Home, Now Faces Imminent Eviction: pMore than 200 protesters have been fighting to save the home of Arturo de los Santos, an ex-Marine who went into foreclosure after Chase Bank advised him to skip payments to speed up a loan modification he never received. In early February, amid rumors that Riverside, California sheriff’s deputies could serve papers on the home [...]/p

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Gov. Christie Introduces Tax Plan That Gives 40 Percent Of Its Benefit To The Richest One Percent

Gov. Christie Introduces Tax Plan That Gives 40 Percent Of Its Benefit To The Richest One Percent: pNew Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) today formally announced his intention to implement a 10 percent cut in New Jersey’s income tax. “Lower tax rates will relieve over-burdened middle class families,” Christie said in his annual budget address. However, the middle class is likely to hardly notice Christie’s cut, as it would give just $80 [...]/p

David Koch Admits Plans To Buy Public Support And, Possibly, An Election

David Koch Admits Plans To Buy Public Support And, Possibly, An Election: pNowadays it’s hard to find anyone who is comfortable with the absurd amount of money being poured into political campaigns. Progressives, conservatives, Democrats, Republicans, Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party have all lamented the disproportionate influence that exorbitant amounts of money is having on politics in the age after Citizens United. Even Sheldon Adelson, [...]/p

At the Supreme Court, Odds Lie Against Affirmative Action - The Atlantic

At the Supreme Court, Odds Lie Against Affirmative Action - The Atlantic

David Koch on Walker recall: 'We've spent a lot of money in Wisconsin. We're going to spend more.'

David Koch on Walker recall: 'We've spent a lot of money in Wisconsin. We're going to spend more.'
"Right-wing billionaires are pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into keeping Scott Walker in office because they see him as key to stopping "union power."

Limbaugh Downplays Poverty

Limbaugh Downplays Poverty
"Limbaugh's dismissiveness is nothing new. In August 2009, he told a caller concerned about the cost of treating his broken wrist: "Well, you shouldn't have broken your wrist." In February 2010, Limbaugh suggested the uninsured eat applesauce if they couldn't afford dentures. He also advised people to pay for their doctor visits in cash instead of using insurance."

Bare Minimum Wage

Bare Minimum Wage
Big business lobbyists work to prevent any rise in workers' paychecks.

Mad, Passionate Love -- and Violence: Occupy Heads into the Spring | Common Dreams

Mad, Passionate Love -- and Violence: Occupy Heads into the Spring | Common Dreams
"What happens now depends on vigorous participation, including yours, in thinking aloud together about who we are, what we want, and how we get there, and then acting upon it. Go occupy the possibilities and don’t stop pedaling. And remember, it started with mad, passionate love."

A Fearful GOP | Truthout

A Fearful GOP | Truthout
The issue, for Republicans, is not just that Santorum would lose in November. It's that he could be a drag on House and Senate candidates as well. Imagine, say, Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., trying to explain to his constituents why someone who doesn't fully understand women's participation in the workforce should be president.

Dow touches 13,000 for first time since mid-2008. We must stop this socialism.

Dow touches 13,000 for first time since mid-2008. We must stop this socialism.

Koch Money In Wisconsin

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

How Post Office Closings Could Increase Economic Inequality

How Post Office Closings Could Increase Economic Inequality: pDue to its ongoing financial woes, the United States Postal Service (USPS) has contemplated suspending Saturday mail service, as well as closing offices across the country. But a Reuters analysis shows that those office closing could increase economic inequality, hitting area that are already on the wrong end of economic disparity: Some of America’s poorest [...]/p

Sears Announces Layoffs In Illinois After The State Gave It Millions In Subsidies

Sears Announces Layoffs In Illinois After The State Gave It Millions In Subsidies: pJust a few months ago, Illinois gave retail giant Sears $275 million to keep its corporate headquarters in the state, after Sears threatened to move elsewhere (including, potentially, Ohio). To show its appreciation for receiving millions in taxpayer funds, as Greg Leroy pointed out at the Clawback blog, Sears announced last week that it will [...]/p

Battle Of The Billionaires

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

We Need to Know Who Funds These Thinktank Lobbyists | Common Dreams

We Need to Know Who Funds These Thinktank Lobbyists | Common Dreams
The battle for democracy is becoming a fight against backroom billionaires seeking to shape politics to suit their own interests.

Occupy Movement Targets Corporate Interest Group with Ties to Legislators | Common Dreams

Occupy Movement Targets Corporate Interest Group with Ties to Legislators | Common Dreams

Monday, February 20, 2012

Deck Stacked Against Benton Harbor, Michigan Residents

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Gov. Mark Dayton Calls Out ALEC By Name, Is A Model for Other Democrats

Gov. Mark Dayton Calls Out ALEC By Name, Is A Model for Other Democrats

The Real Job Creators: You and Me | Truthout

The Real Job Creators: You and Me | Truthout

Australian Cancer Survivor Fights to Stop Gene Ownership | Common Dreams

Australian Cancer Survivor Fights to Stop Gene Ownership | Common Dreams

Occupy Atlanta, CWA and Jobs With Justice Stand Up to AT&T Job Cuts

Occupy Atlanta, CWA and Jobs With Justice Stand Up to AT&T Job Cuts

Krugman: How Europe's Leaders Tanked its Economy Through Moralizing and the Austerity Fantasy | AlterNet

Krugman: How Europe's Leaders Tanked its Economy Through Moralizing and the Austerity Fantasy | AlterNet

Punishing Protest, Policing Dissent: What Is the Justice System for? | Truthout

Punishing Protest, Policing Dissent: What Is the Justice System for? | Truthout

David Koch: 'No Stopping Union Power' If Scott Walker Is Recalled. Challenge Accepted, Dave!

David Koch: 'No Stopping Union Power' If Scott Walker Is Recalled. Challenge Accepted, Dave!

The Ugly Truth Behind Michigan's Budget Surplus | The Nation

The Ugly Truth Behind Michigan's Budget Surplus | The Nation
Gov. Rick Snyder’s ruthless austerity measures have made the state a bleak place to live, work and go to school.

Tammy Baldwin, A Member of Congress From Wisconsin With A Very Different Vision Than Paul Ryan

Tammy Baldwin, A Member of Congress From Wisconsin With A Very Different Vision Than Paul Ryan

How Greece Could Take Down Wall Street | Common Dreams

How Greece Could Take Down Wall Street | Common Dreams

Restaurant industry screws women, while $2.13 tipped worker minimum wage makes it worse

Restaurant industry screws women, while $2.13 tipped worker minimum wage makes it worse

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Cantor Can’t Explain Why Americans Oppose GOP Agenda

Cantor Can’t Explain Why Americans Oppose GOP Agenda: pDuring an appearance on Fox News Sunday this morning, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) couldn’t explain why the public rejects large parts of the Republican legislative agenda and instead blamed Democrats for opposing it. Asked why a recent New York Times/CBS News poll showed that 67 percent of Americans favor raising taxes on millionaires [...]/p

You don't own me

You don't own me
Republicans seem to have mistaken "wage slavery" for ... that other kind of slavery. They must have, because anyone who understood that workers are employees, and not property, would recognize that workers have rights. Not just some rights, not a neatly restricted little subset of rights, but the same rights as the people who employ them.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Message From Anonymous

How The 1% Exploits America

Longshore Workers say Occupy 'Crucial' in Union Settlement

Longshore Workers say Occupy 'Crucial' in Union Settlement

Cordray: Consumer Finance Companies Have 'Gone Unsupervised' For Too Long

Cordray: Consumer Finance Companies Have 'Gone Unsupervised' For Too Long

Billionaire Romney donor uses threats to silence critics

Billionaire Romney donor uses threats to silence critics

PERRspectives: Death of a GOP Talking Point on Tax Cuts

PERRspectives: Death of a GOP Talking Point on Tax Cuts
The Bush tax cuts not only didn't pay for themselves, they weren't paid for anywhere else in the federal budget. They were and continue to be the biggest drain on the U.S. Treasury, whose tax collections as percentage of the American economy hit a 60-year low in 2010.

Citizens United Revisited? Buckle Up, Chief Justice Roberts | Common Dreams

Citizens United Revisited? Buckle Up, Chief Justice Roberts | Common Dreams

A Conservative Explains Why Right-Wingers Have No Compassion | Visions | AlterNet

A Conservative Explains Why Right-Wingers Have No Compassion | Visions | AlterNet

Friday, February 17, 2012

Following Progressive Pressure, Apple Supplier FoxConn Increases Wages For Its Employees

Following Progressive Pressure, Apple Supplier FoxConn Increases Wages For Its Employees: pChinese manufacturer FoxxConn, a key supplier for the world’s largest technology company Apple Inc., today announced it will be raising workers’ wages by 16 to 25 percent in response to public outcry over reports of worker mistreatment. The move comes after nearly 250,000 individuals signed a petition on demanding Apple hold its suppliers accountable [...]/p

Anonymous Hacktivists Step Up Anti-ACTA Offensive | Common Dreams

Anonymous Hacktivists Step Up Anti-ACTA Offensive | Common Dreams

Why The Right Is Wrong About Saving Detroit

Why The Right Is Wrong About Saving Detroit

Arizona Bill To Limit Unions Would Cost Local Goverments Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars

Arizona Bill To Limit Unions Would Cost Local Goverments Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars: pArizona Republicans introduced a slate of legislation earlier this month targeting public sector unions, earning Gov. Jan Brewer (R) the title of “the Scott Walker of the West,” an homage to the union-busting governor of Wisconsin who is now facing recall efforts. Though two of the bills, including one that would have essentially banned public [...]/p

Regardless Of Age, Race, Income, Or Party, Americans Agree On One Thing: Romney Favors The Rich

Regardless Of Age, Race, Income, Or Party, Americans Agree On One Thing: Romney Favors The Rich: pA CNN poll released yesterday found that 65 percent of Americans think Mitt Romney “favors the rich” over the middle class or poor. Just 39 percent said the same of Rick Santorum, while that number was only 26 percent for President Obama. But when the polling data is broken down into various demographic categories — [...]/p

Mitt Romney's bailout problem

Mitt Romney's bailout problem

Did The Stimulus Work? (Yes)

Bold Action Needed to Hold Big Banks Accountable | Common Dreams

Bold Action Needed to Hold Big Banks Accountable | Common Dreams

Police State In America

House Passes Section Of Transportation Bill Consisting Only Of Earmarks To Big Oil

House Passes Section Of Transportation Bill Consisting Only Of Earmarks To Big Oil: pBy Jessica Goad, Manager of Research and Outreach, Center for American Progress Action Fund. Last night the House of Representatives passed part of the behemoth transportation bill it is considering over the next month on a 237-187 vote.  This section consisted solely of earmarks to Big Oil including drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, [...]/p

Mortgage Settlement 'Whitewash': US Taxpayers Will Pay for Big Bank Settlement | Common Dreams

Mortgage Settlement 'Whitewash': US Taxpayers Will Pay for Big Bank Settlement | Common Dreams

FACT CHECK: Rick Santorum Is Just As Anti-Union As Mitt Romney

FACT CHECK: Rick Santorum Is Just As Anti-Union As Mitt Romney: pMitt Romney has been launching a sustained attack against rival Rick Santorum for being allegedly “pro-union.” This week, Romney even sent out a press release entitled: “RICK SANTORUM: BIG LABOR’S FAVORITE SENATOR.” Today, the Romney press shop circulated an email headlined, “RICK SANTORUM: RIGHT FOR BIG LABOR,” claiming “when it comes to Big Labor, Santorum [...]/p

How Republicans' Health Care Plan Could Gut Services Benefiting Millions | AlterNet

How Republicans' Health Care Plan Could Gut Services Benefiting Millions | AlterNet

Uprising...from Madison to Wall Street

5 Million People - Wiped Off The Voter Rolls

Thomas Frank Talks With Truthout on How Wall Street Doubled Down on Trashing America's Economy | Truthout

Thomas Frank Talks With Truthout on How Wall Street Doubled Down on Trashing America's Economy | Truthout

Mortgage Deal or Not, Abusive Foreclosures Continue | Common Dreams

Mortgage Deal or Not, Abusive Foreclosures Continue | Common Dreams

CitiGroup Whistleblower: 'Brute Force' Used To Hide Bad Loans

CitiGroup Whistleblower: 'Brute Force' Used To Hide Bad Loans

On Three Year Anniversary Of Stimulus, GOP Goes Into High Gear Falsely Claiming It Failed

On Three Year Anniversary Of Stimulus, GOP Goes Into High Gear Falsely Claiming It Failed: pToday marks the three year anniversary of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (i.e. the stimulus), signed by President Obama one month after being sworn in, at a time when the economy was hemorrhaging 700,000 jobs per month. Of course, the Republican spin machine has gone into high gear to portray the stimulus as a [...]/p

Activists Plan To ‘Occupy Koch Town’ In Wichita

Activists Plan To ‘Occupy Koch Town’ In Wichita: pAbout 500 activists are expected this weekend to descend upon Wichita, KS, the home of David and Charles Koch’s Koch Industries. The “Occupy Koch Town” event is a joint effort of the Kansas and Missouri chapters of the Sierra Club and of several nearby Occupy groups, who see the company as a prime example of [...]/p

The Occupy Chicago Arrests: Rahm Emanuel's 'Dry Run' for G8 and Nato? | Common Dreams

The Occupy Chicago Arrests: Rahm Emanuel's 'Dry Run' for G8 and Nato? | Common Dreams

Industry Insiders And Reporters Slam Romney’s Auto Rescue Editorial As ‘Reckless,’ ‘Dishonest,’ And ‘Pure Fantasy’

Industry Insiders And Reporters Slam Romney’s Auto Rescue Editorial As ‘Reckless,’ ‘Dishonest,’ And ‘Pure Fantasy’: pAs the Republican presidential nominating contest moves to Michigan, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) is touting his ties to the state — he was born there and his father is a former governor — and its auto industry. Romney wrote an editorial early this week re-upping his opposition to the 2009 auto rescue that [...]/p

Occupy Wall Street Now Has a Super PAC - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

Occupy Wall Street Now Has a Super PAC - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

Redistricting Shocker in Wisconsin | The Progressive

Redistricting Shocker in Wisconsin | The Progressive

Domestic Drones: The War On Privacy

Good Economic News Is Bad News For The GOP

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Scott Brown stumbles on policy basics

Scott Brown stumbles on policy basics

9 Kick-Ass Things Obama Should Do In a Second Term | Election 2012 | AlterNet

9 Kick-Ass Things Obama Should Do In a Second Term | Election 2012 | AlterNet

How a Filthy Rich 196 People Will Buy Our Election | Economy | AlterNet

How a Filthy Rich 196 People Will Buy Our Election | Economy | AlterNet

Thursday, February 16, 2012

‘Occupy Our Homes’ Looks To Save Fifth Detroit Resident From Foreclosure

‘Occupy Our Homes’ Looks To Save Fifth Detroit Resident From Foreclosure: pThis week, Occupy Our Homes, an outgrowth of the Occupy Wall Street movement, successfully helped a 78 year-old former civil rights activist in Atlanta stay in her home, after she was threatened with foreclosure by JP Morgan Chase (while the bank was simultaneously touting its commitment to the values of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.). [...]/p

Hundreds Of Protestors Line Halls As Minnesota Senate Blocks Citizens From Testifying On Voter ID Bill

Hundreds Of Protestors Line Halls As Minnesota Senate Blocks Citizens From Testifying On Voter ID Bill: pAs a Minnesota Senate committee approved voter ID legislation yesterday, more than 200 citizens lined the capitol building’s halls holding signs to oppose the measure. “ALL Our Voices Count. No Voter ID Amendment” their signs read as they stood outside the Committee on Local Government and Elections hearing room, protesting the possible new requirement that [...]/p

Bernie Sanders: Deficit Hawk Hypocrites

Carjackings are Up 62 Percent, But Occupy Newark Tents are Down

Carjackings are Up 62 Percent, But Occupy Newark Tents are Down

CHART: Obama’s Latest Budget Would Create 1.5 Million New Jobs In 2012

CHART: Obama’s Latest Budget Would Create 1.5 Million New Jobs In 2012: pThe Economic Policy Institute released an analysis today of the programs in President Obama’s newly proposed budget plan which are aimed at boosting job growth. All told, it would yield approximately 1.5 million new jobs in fiscal year 2012, and around 1.3 million in 2013. This would result in a drop in the unemployment rate [...]/p

Legislators Who Sign the Anti-Tax "Norquist Pledge" Are Enemies of the People and the Constitution | Truthout

Legislators Who Sign the Anti-Tax "Norquist Pledge" Are Enemies of the People and the Constitution | Truthout

Audit Of San Francisco Foreclosures Finds That Nearly All Have Legal Issues

Audit Of San Francisco Foreclosures Finds That Nearly All Have Legal Issues: pA report commissioned by San Francisco’s assessor-recorder looked at 400 foreclosures and found that nearly all of them had legal problems or suspicious documents. “Overall, we identified one or more irregularities in 99% of the subject loans. In 84% of the loans, we identified what appear to be one or more clear violations of law,” [...]/p

Still No End to 'Too Big to Fail' | Common Dreams

Still No End to 'Too Big to Fail' | Common Dreams

Tomgram: Ari Berman, The Politics of the Super Rich | TomDispatch

Tomgram: Ari Berman, The Politics of the Super Rich | TomDispatch

GM reports record profit. That's a problem for Mitt Romney.

GM reports record profit. That's a problem for Mitt Romney.

Instead of Being Disgusted by Poverty, We are Disgusted by Poor People Themselves | Common Dreams

Instead of Being Disgusted by Poverty, We are Disgusted by Poor People Themselves | Common Dreams

Where The Right Went Wrong

Bruce Bartlett on Where the Right Went Wrong from on Vimeo.

Bill Moyers talks with conservative economist Bruce Bartlett, who wrote "the bible" for the Reagan Revolution, worked on domestic policy for the Reagan White House, and served as a top treasury official under the first President Bush. Now he's a heretic in the conservative circles where he once was a star. Bartlett argues that right-wing tax policies -- pushed in part by Grover Norquist and Tea Party activists -- are destroying the country's economic foundation.

Manhattan District Attorney Subpoenas Occupy Protester's Twitter Account | The Nation

Manhattan District Attorney Subpoenas Occupy Protester's Twitter Account | The Nation

Face Masks, Snipers and Aerial Surveillance: Chicago's Newest Anti-Protest Measures Revealed | Truthout

Face Masks, Snipers and Aerial Surveillance: Chicago's Newest Anti-Protest Measures Revealed | Truthout

An Interview with Occupy the SEC About Their Volcker Rule Comment Letter | Truthout

An Interview with Occupy the SEC About Their Volcker Rule Comment Letter | Truthout

Delighted To Participate: Occupy Fiscal Gurus Take On, In Depth, the SEC | Common Dreams

Delighted To Participate: Occupy Fiscal Gurus Take On, In Depth, the SEC | Common Dreams

Is NYPD Running Wild? Patterns of Brutality Raise Questions About Mayor's Control of Police | Drugs | AlterNet

Is NYPD Running Wild? Patterns of Brutality Raise Questions About Mayor's Control of Police | Drugs | AlterNet

How the 1% Destroys Jobs and the Real Heroes are Everyday People | Economy | AlterNet

How the 1% Destroys Jobs and the Real Heroes are Everyday People | Economy | AlterNet

Private corrections firm proposes new rip-off: Buy prisons in 48 states, keep them full for 20 years

Private corrections firm proposes new rip-off: Buy prisons in 48 states, keep them full for 20 years

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

American War Veterans Are Among Those Who Are Suffering

PERRspectives: Gallup Aids GOP by Misrepresenting Poll on Small Business Hiring

PERRspectives: Gallup Aids GOP by Misrepresenting Poll on Small Business Hiring

Former Wall Street CEO Says Rule Reining In Banks’ Risky Trading Doesn’t Go Far Enough

Former Wall Street CEO Says Rule Reining In Banks’ Risky Trading Doesn’t Go Far Enough: pEver since it was first proposed, the financial services industry has launched a withering assault on the Volcker rule, a regulation meant to rein in the ability of banks to gamble with their customers’ deposits. The banks were able to water the rule down before it was passed into law — thanks in no small [...]/p

How Conservatives Play The Media With The “ Small Business“ Card

How Conservatives Play The Media With The “ Small Business“ Card

Fifty Activists Groups Call for Congressional Hearings on Citizens United | Truthout

Fifty Activists Groups Call for Congressional Hearings on Citizens United | Truthout

Study: Restaurants Feed on Exploited Women’s Labor | Common Dreams

Study: Restaurants Feed on Exploited Women’s Labor | Common Dreams

'Global Square': Wikileaks-Backed Activist Platform Launching in March | Common Dreams

'Global Square': Wikileaks-Backed Activist Platform Launching in March | Common Dreams

'To perpetuate and spread the creative and cooperative spirit of the occupations'

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker Looking More and More Likely to Be In Legal Trouble

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker Looking More and More Likely to Be In Legal Trouble

Privatization Fan Paul Ryan Pushes False Argument That Payroll Tax Holiday Will Undermine Social Security

Privatization Fan Paul Ryan Pushes False Argument That Payroll Tax Holiday Will Undermine Social Security: pLast year, when Democrats and Republicans were negotiating a short-term extension of the payroll tax holiday, multiple Republicans pushed the false idea that extending the payroll tax cut would undermine Social Security by robbing its trust fund of vital revenue. Those claims were repeatedly debunked by media outlets, members of Congress, and even the Social [...]/p

Wis. Senate Passes Wetlands Deregulation in Midnight Session | The Progressive

Wis. Senate Passes Wetlands Deregulation in Midnight Session | The Progressive
Trying hurry before those recall elections! Classic example of the corrupt, Koch purchased actions that brought about the recall effort. Not a good idea to anger people who enjoy outdoor sports in a state like Wisconsin.

Romney’s lies about auto industry could cost him in Michigan

Protesters at Santorum Rally Tased, Taunted, and Dragged Away

Protesters at Santorum Rally Tased, Taunted, and Dragged Away

Mitt Romney's Auto Bailout Claims Take a Beating | AlterNet

Mitt Romney's Auto Bailout Claims Take a Beating | AlterNet

Push To Privatize US Prisons Lurks in Corporate Investment Scheme | Common Dreams

Push To Privatize US Prisons Lurks in Corporate Investment Scheme | Common Dreams
Firm will purchase facilities from states in exchange for guaranteed 90% occupancy rate.

Cenk Uygur Lets Loose on Andrew Breitbart's Occupy Smears | AlterNet

Cenk Uygur Lets Loose on Andrew Breitbart's Occupy Smears | AlterNet

Why Follow a Tax-Loathing Billionaire?

Fox News And The Phony Koch Brothers Defense

Fox News And The Phony Koch Brothers Defense

MAP: Health Care Law Could Disproportionately Benefit Republican Districts

MAP: Health Care Law Could Disproportionately Benefit Republican Districts: pIn an analysis released yesterday in Politico, three officials from the Kaiser Family Foundation claim that the health care law could disproportionately benefit GOP-represented districts, particularly in lower income Southern and rural areas where residents face higher uninsurance rates and more difficulty finding affordable health care. The authors — Larry Levitt, Drew Altman, and Gary [...]/p

The Imperial Way: American Decline in Perspective | Common Dreams

The Imperial Way: American Decline in Perspective | Common Dreams

It's Official: Money Now Governs America | Common Dreams

It's Official: Money Now Governs America | Common Dreams

Moyers: Meet the Shameless Plutocrats Choking What's Left of Our Democracy | Economy | AlterNet

Moyers: Meet the Shameless Plutocrats Choking What's Left of Our Democracy | Economy | AlterNet

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Wall Street Banks Push To Weaken An Already Watered-Down Volcker Rule

Wall Street Banks Push To Weaken An Already Watered-Down Volcker Rule: pOne of the most important pieces of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law is the Volcker Rule, aimed at preventing federally-insured banks from engaging in risky proprietary bets and counting on taxpayers to bail them out if those bets go wrong. The deadline for regulatory comment on the rule was Monday night, and it didn’t go [...]/p

The Wave Effect

The Bankster Foreclosure Bandits Gone Wild

Occupy Our Homes Saves Former Civil Rights Activist Helen Bailey From Foreclosure

Occupy Our Homes Saves Former Civil Rights Activist Helen Bailey From Foreclosure: pHelen Bailey, the 78 year-old former civil rights activist who was threatened with foreclosure by J.P Morgan Chase while the company trumpeted its efforts to uphold Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy, will be able to remain in her home until she passes away after a successful campaign by Occupy Nashville: “I feel like a weight [...]/p

PARODY VIDEO (not Adele but pretty good)

Mitt Romney's In a Pickle Because Obama Saved the Auto Industry | AlterNet

Mitt Romney's In a Pickle Because Obama Saved the Auto Industry | AlterNet

99 Percent Activists Celebrate Valentine’s Day By Breaking Up With Bank Of America

99 Percent Activists Celebrate Valentine’s Day By Breaking Up With Bank Of America: pSince the 99 Percent Movement began last fall, activists have pushed consumers to transfer their money from big banks that were at the center of the financial crisis to smaller community banks and credit unions. Thus far, their efforts have been successful. Around 200,000 moved their accounts on “Bank Transfer Day” in November (early estimates [...]/p

Take Action On Valentine's Day: Support Unions and Workers in the Flower Industry

Take Action On Valentine's Day: Support Unions and Workers in the Flower Industry

Occupy Wall Street Submits 325 Page Letter On Volcker Rule To SEC

Occupy Wall Street Submits 325 Page Letter On Volcker Rule To SEC: pOccupy the SEC, a working group affiliated with Occupy Wall Street, has submitted a 325 page comment letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission calling for the strict enforcement of Section 619 of the Dodd-Frank Act, known better as the Volcker Rule. “Like much of the 99%,” reads the letter, “we have bank deposits and [...]/p

Mitt Romney: Obama saved the auto industry the wrong way, so pretend he didn't do it

Mitt Romney: Obama saved the auto industry the wrong way, so pretend he didn't do it

In New Op-Ed, Romney Reiterates ‘Let Detroit Go Bankrupt’

In New Op-Ed, Romney Reiterates ‘Let Detroit Go Bankrupt’: pTwo weeks from today, voters in Michigan will hit the polls for the state’s Republican presidential primary, where native son and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney — once thought of as the GOP’s inevitable nominee — is now trailing former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum. Romney’s father, George Romney, is a former governor of Michigan and [...]/p

Hegemony and Its Dilemmas | Common Dreams

Hegemony and Its Dilemmas | Common Dreams

Occupy Wall Street and a New Politics for a Disorderly World | The Nation

Occupy Wall Street and a New Politics for a Disorderly World | The Nation

Money Throws Democracy Overboard | Common Dreams

Money Throws Democracy Overboard | Common Dreams

Risky Business: Astronomic Compensation Still the Norm on Wall Street | Common Dreams

Risky Business: Astronomic Compensation Still the Norm on Wall Street | Common Dreams

Occupy Protesters Had Irises Scanned By NYPD Under Coercion

Occupy Protesters Had Irises Scanned By NYPD Under Coercion

The Senate GOP’s Unprecedented Abuse Of The Filibuster.

The New Southern Strategy: Quote Ayn Rand to Blame the Middle Class | AlterNet

The New Southern Strategy: Quote Ayn Rand to Blame the Middle Class | AlterNet

The Big Lie of Austerity--and How Transit Workers are Fighting Back | | AlterNet

The Big Lie of Austerity--and How Transit Workers are Fighting Back | | AlterNet

The Right-Wing Propagandist Charles Murray Exposes the Truth About Conservatives -- They Hate Poor People, White and Black | | AlterNet

The Right-Wing Propagandist Charles Murray Exposes the Truth About Conservatives -- They Hate Poor People, White and Black | | AlterNet

PERRspectives: Remembering Bush's Broken Promise to Cut the Deficit in Half

PERRspectives: Remembering Bush's Broken Promise to Cut the Deficit in Half

Monday, February 13, 2012

New Mexico Legislature to Congress: Amend Against 'Citizens United' | Common Dreams

New Mexico Legislature to Congress: Amend Against 'Citizens United' | Common Dreams

How Obama’s Budget Helps Working Women And Their Families

How Obama’s Budget Helps Working Women And Their Families: pOur guest blogger is Sarah Glynn, a policy analyst at the Center for American Progress. President Obama submitted his budget for fiscal year 2013 to Congress this morning, with the explicit goal of “rebuild(ing) our economy and strengthen(ing) the middle class.” The $3.8 trillion budget includes $5 million to help individual states launch paid leave [...]/p

The Tea Party’s war on mass transit

The Tea Party’s war on mass transit

Slide Show: Wisconsin’s Uprising, One Year Later | The Nation

Slide Show: Wisconsin’s Uprising, One Year Later | The Nation

Ten Facts About The Obama Budget

Ten Facts About The Obama Budget: pPresident Obama unveiled his budget for fiscal year 2013 this morning in Virginia, touting it as a budget that took a balanced approach toward investigating in American economic growth now while reducing the nation’s deficit over the long-term. The budget is a step in the right direction, using both tax increases and spending cuts to [...]/p

Chamber Of Commerce Supports Government Spending, But Runs Pro-GOP Ads Attacking ‘Big Government’

Chamber Of Commerce Supports Government Spending, But Runs Pro-GOP Ads Attacking ‘Big Government’: pThe U.S. Chamber of Commerce announced a multi-state voter “education” ad blitz late last week. Tom Donohue, the group’s president and CEO, says the ads focus on a simple question: “Is big government or free enterprise the solution to our country’s economic problems?” The blitz features an array of 30-second TV spots aimed at bucking [...]/p

Fox Effect

Obama Budget Health Care Savings In One Chart

Obama Budget Health Care Savings In One Chart: pThis morning, President Obama unveiled a $3.8 trillion budget plan that eschews any dramatic reforms to entitlement programs but would still produce $360 billion in savings from Medicare, Medicaid, and other health care programs over 10 years. Obama Paul Ryan’s approach “to turn Medicare into a voucher or Medicaid into a block grant,” but does [...]/p

Occupy Has Raised Class Consciousness - Now What? | Truthout

Occupy Has Raised Class Consciousness - Now What? | Truthout

New Study: Health Care Costs Fall When Poor Get Health Care Coverage

New Study: Health Care Costs Fall When Poor Get Health Care Coverage

Groups Galvanize Against US Senate with 24 Hour 'Signature Bomb' | Common Dreams

Groups Galvanize Against US Senate with 24 Hour 'Signature Bomb' | Common Dreams

24 Hours to Stop Keystone XL in the US Senate | Common Dreams

24 Hours to Stop Keystone XL in the US Senate | Common Dreams

Senate GOP Planning To Hijack Highway Bill With Keystone Pipeline Amendment

Senate GOP Planning To Hijack Highway Bill With Keystone Pipeline Amendment: pIn a bid to fast-track approval of the Canada-to-Texas Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, Senate Republicans plan to attach an amendment mandating the pipeline’s construction onto a must-pass highway funding bill. The amendment — developed by Sens. John Hoeven, Richard Lugar, and David Vitter — is but the latest congressional push to advance TransCanada’s $7 [...]/p

Eric Cantor’s Wall Street Insider Trading Loophole | Common Dreams

Eric Cantor’s Wall Street Insider Trading Loophole | Common Dreams
There is this curious fact: Members of Congress do demonstrably better on the stock market than average investors. There’s no plausible reason why this should be so other than that Members use their inside knowledge about legislation under consideration to place informed bets on the stock market.

OccupyKXL: The 99 Percent Takes A Stand With 24 Hours Against Keystone

OccupyKXL: The 99 Percent Takes A Stand With 24 Hours Against Keystone: pA broad coalition of the grassroots progressive movement is launching a 24-hour effort to mobilize 500,000 people opposing Republican efforts to approve the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. GOP senators “plan to file an amendment mandating the project to the Senate transportation package Monday,” the Hill reports. In a Daily Kos diary, founder Bill [...]/p

Jack Lew: 'There's Pretty Broad Agreement That the Time for Austerity is Not Today'

Jack Lew: 'There's Pretty Broad Agreement That the Time for Austerity is Not Today'

Obama Unveils Budget That Includes Billions To Rebuild Nation’s Infrastructure, Create Jobs

Obama Unveils Budget That Includes Billions To Rebuild Nation’s Infrastructure, Create Jobs: pEconomists estimated in 2011 that the United States needed $2 trillion in immediate investments just to bring its infrastructure up to date, and with borrowing costs low and the nation’s unemployment rate still high, such investments would allow the country to fix its crumbling roads and bridges while also putting unemployed Americans back to work. [...]/p

Who Shipwrecked Our Economy?

Bill Moyers Essay: Who Shipwrecked Our Economy? from on Vimeo.

Occupy Draws Strength From the Powerless | Truthout

Occupy Draws Strength From the Powerless | Truthout

NYTimes: The Anti-Government Republican Base is Totally Dependent On Government | AlterNet

NYTimes: The Anti-Government Republican Base is Totally Dependent On Government | AlterNet

Wall Street ‘Likely To Set Records’ For Political Spending Aimed At Defeating Obama In 2012

Wall Street ‘Likely To Set Records’ For Political Spending Aimed At Defeating Obama In 2012: pWith Wall Street profits and bonuses falling and big banks cutting jobs right and left, it seems that the financial services sector would be scaling back its free-spending ways. But, according to a Center for Responsive Politics analysis, they likely to set records in 2012 on political spending — the bulk of which is aimed [...]/p

Sunday, February 12, 2012

What $100 Million Could Do for Out of Work, Underpaid Teachers | Truthout

What $100 Million Could Do for Out of Work, Underpaid Teachers | Truthout

Public Utility, Private Profit: Privatization of Water is as Benign as Lucifer | Truthout

Public Utility, Private Profit: Privatization of Water is as Benign as Lucifer | Truthout

Republicans undiscover fire

Republicans undiscover fire

"The lies go beyond instantly dismissible claims like President Obama being the "food stamp president" (why you have to go back one whole administration to discover that more people joined the food stamp ranks under Bush than Obama, but then the Republicans don't seem to remember Bush in any case). The blatant lies extend through every aspect of the Republican platform, such as it is. The simple reason is that the Republicans have no ideas left, at least no ideas that have not been tested and proven to be failures again, and again, and again. The truth is that the Republicans have nothing to offer. Not even anything that looks like a governing philosophy. Conservatism has moved out of the ranks of political theories and simply become a cult; one that requires that certain phrases be mouthed, that certain hatreds be nourished, and that purity be maintained regardless of cost."

Saturday, February 11, 2012

5 Right-Wing Governors Gutting Schools to Fund Prisons, Tax Breaks for the Rich...And a Bible Theme Park | | AlterNet

5 Right-Wing Governors Gutting Schools to Fund Prisons, Tax Breaks for the Rich...And a Bible Theme Park | | AlterNet

Bruce Springsteen’s new single “We Take Care of Our Own”

Center For Budget And Policy Priorities Shows How Important Government Programs Are

Center For Budget And Policy Priorities Shows How Important Government Programs Are

U.S. Loses More Revenue To Corporate Tax Havens Than It Spends On Several Agencies

U.S. Loses More Revenue To Corporate Tax Havens Than It Spends On Several Agencies: pThe Congressional Budget Office noted last week that U.S. corporate tax revenue has hit a 40 year low, driven down by corporate tax cuts and the widespread use of loopholes and tax havens. While corporate profits have rebounded to their pre-recession heights, corporate revenue has yet to even remotely follow suit. One of the big [...]/p

Producers vs. Losers: The Cruel Pro-Rich Propaganda of the Right | Truthout

Producers vs. Losers: The Cruel Pro-Rich Propaganda of the Right | Truthout

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Preserving The Postal Service

Why Mitt Romney’s Tax Returns Undermine The GOP’s Investment Tax Argument

Why Mitt Romney’s Tax Returns Undermine The GOP’s Investment Tax Argument: pAccording to Republican gospel, taxes on investment must always be low, or else investors will simply sit on their money, refusing to do the very thing that could earn them more money. However, as David Abromowitz laid out in Bloobmerg View today, Mitt Romney’s tax returns undermine this argument. After all, Romney made his fortune [...]/p

The Billionaires' Brokered GOP Convention | Truthout

The Billionaires' Brokered GOP Convention | Truthout

'Flash Occupation' of Los Angeles Banks Planned Today | Common Dreams

'Flash Occupation' of Los Angeles Banks Planned Today | Common Dreams

Rep. Eric Cantor Blocked Foreclosure Crisis Fix While Owning a Financial Stake in Mortgage Businesses | Truthout

Rep. Eric Cantor Blocked Foreclosure Crisis Fix While Owning a Financial Stake in Mortgage Businesses | Truthout

iEmpire: Apple's Sordid Business Practices Are Even Worse Than You Think | | AlterNet

iEmpire: Apple's Sordid Business Practices Are Even Worse Than You Think | | AlterNet

McCarthy, Beck, and the New Hate - The Atlantic

McCarthy, Beck, and the New Hate - The Atlantic

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Dear Wall Street Journal: Your Editorial on Payday Lenders Is Wrong. On Every Point. | AlterNet

Dear Wall Street Journal: Your Editorial on Payday Lenders Is Wrong. On Every Point. | AlterNet

I'm on Food Stamps: My Shame and Pride in Signing up for the Most Stigmatized Benefit | Food | AlterNet

I'm on Food Stamps: My Shame and Pride in Signing up for the Most Stigmatized Benefit | Food | AlterNet

How a Few Über-Wealthy Donors Helped Buy Republicans a Presidential Field They Hate | Election 2012 | AlterNet

How a Few Über-Wealthy Donors Helped Buy Republicans a Presidential Field They Hate | Election 2012 | AlterNet

The American Middle Class Is Becoming Poor, and Mitt Romney Doesn’t Realize It | Truthout

The American Middle Class Is Becoming Poor, and Mitt Romney Doesn’t Realize It | Truthout

Jim Hightower | By axing parks, politicos are stealing the people’s property

Jim Hightower | By axing parks, politicos are stealing the people’s property

The Economics of Incarceration:        Information Clearing House

The Economics of Incarceration:        Information Clearing House

Class Warfare: Fox's Eric Bolling Denies Income Inequality In This Country

Class Warfare: Fox's Eric Bolling Denies Income Inequality In This Country

Rachel Maddow On #Occupy Foreclosures And Why They Are The Best New Thing

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