Monday, March 30, 2015

4 Ways Corporations Owe Us, Big Time—And How They Can Pay Us Back | Alternet

4 Ways Corporations Owe Us, Big Time—And How They Can Pay Us Back | Alternet

"The distorted belief that wealthy individuals and corporations are job creators has led to sizeable business subsidies and tax breaks. The biggest giveaway is often overlooked: corporations use our nation's plentiful resources, largely at no cost, to build their profits.

There are several factual and well-established reasons why corporations owe a great debt to the nation that has made them rich."

Paul Krugman: Republicans Are Running A Con Game On America
"You’d think that after years of being wrong, and one full year of being breathtakingly wrong, that Republicans would at least begrudgingly admit that maybe Democrats have a point. After all, California’s Governor Jerry Brown raised taxes on the rich. The result? After year’s of massive budget deficits, California has a massive surplus and the world’s eighth largest economy has exploded. Meanwhile, the dreaded Obamacare has dramatically slowed the growth of healthcare premiums, insured millions of people that lacked even basic coverage and even come in under budget. All of which is indisputably good for the economy.
But, you’ll be shocked to learn, Republicans don’t care about these facts. Partly, I’m sure you’ve guessed, in the GOP’s unprecedented hatred of Obama and the fact that he even exists. But most of it is the mile high pile of bullsh*t that Republicans must sell the country in order to justify their very existence"

Long Dead Economist’s Theories Proven Right – Free Market Advocates The New Utopians
"In Polanyi’s piece, the underlying principle is that many of the points presented by free market adherents are little more than politics being disguised as economics. The market, in his analysis, is but one force of many found in society, and attempting to use it for all of societal needs is not only utopian, that is an unreachable goal, but is actually detrimental to society itself. And the idea of using “the free market” for societies needs, that is for what in olden times would be called “The Commons,” is dystopian itself. Today, we call this movement to move The Commons to the Free Market “Privatization"."

The economy is a Democrat: Why recent history shows the value of a progressive president

The economy is a Democrat: Why recent history shows the value of a progressive president

"covering the 60-year period from January 1951 to December 2010. They find that once economic growth increases above 1 percent a year — and it does so over most of the period they studied — “the average level of unemployment is significantly higher under Republican administrations.”

As the above charts (from their paper) show, with either a one- or two-year lag, Democrats reduce unemployment dramatically during periods of GDP growth compared to Republicans. Some of this effect has to do with inflation rates (as a I note below), but the authors note another key difference: They argue that Republican policies (for instance, massive tax cuts for the rich and cuts to capital gains) incentivize corporations to use money to compensate CEOs or distribute to shareholders, rather than invest in workers and jobs."

Senate Republicans Pass Sadistic Budget: End Medicare, Slash Food Stamps, Increase Military Spending
"Oh, and just in case it wasn’t clear how much they despise the people they’re supposed to be representing? They also want to cut funding for education because why educate the kids you want to strip healthcare and food from anyway?
The icing on top of this vomit flavored cake is the multibillion dollar increase to military spending. So while Republican bemoan the cost of feeding the hungry and caring for the sick, they’re gleefully throwing more money at the Pentagon to wage war. Thank you, Republicans, for so clearly spelling out what it is you stand for going into the 2016 election cycle."

Bankers Whine That Elizabeth Warren Is Being Mean To Them

Bankers Whine That Elizabeth Warren Is Being Mean To Them

"Call the waaahmbulance, because Senator Warren doesn't kiss the ground Wall Street bankers walk on."

Papantonio: Bankers Warn Dems To Shut Elizabeth Warren Down

Franken: GOP Budget A Bad Deal For Working Families

Bernie Sanders Stands Up For The Middle Class By Dropping a Huge Fact Bomb On The Senate
"There are decades worth of data and studies that confirm what Sen. Sanders was saying. The Republican opposition to raising the minimum wage is ideological. The anti-minimum wage position lacks credible non-partisan statistics and data to support its claims. Republicans hang their opposition on a myth that raising the minimum wage kills jobs, but 64 studies have proven that the Republican talking point to be false.
Sen. Sanders dropped a dose of reality on Senate Republicans today. If the 52 Republican Senators who voted no really wanted to boost the economy, the first thing they should do is reverse course and support raising the minimum wage."

GOP’s “simple multiplication” goof: How a phony GOP budget season met its climax

GOP’s “simple multiplication” goof: How a phony GOP budget season met its climax

"The powerful Rules Committee chairman humiliated himself on Obamacare costs. This is not an isolated event."

Stark Choices: “People’s Budget” vs. Republican Plan

Stark Choices: “People’s Budget” vs. Republican Plan

"Budgets are about choices. Republicans have chosen in their budgets to further enrich the wealthy and corporations at the expense of workers, children, veterans, seniors—the whole broad American family."

This Is What a ‘People’s Budget’ Looks Like | The Nation

This Is What a ‘People’s Budget’ Looks Like | The Nation

"A proper budget is a moral document, which well expresses the values and aspirations of a civil society."

The Kochs take millions in subsidies in Montana, then try to block Medicaid expansion

The Kochs take millions in subsidies in Montana, then try to block Medicaid expansion

"two billionaires taking subsidies while trying to block our poorest citizens from getting assistance for medical care — was not well received by the press or public when it was brought to light."

Students Rally Against Budget

Presidential Wannabe Ted Cruz Already Busted For Lying About Small Businesses

Presidential Wannabe Ted Cruz Already Busted For Lying About Small Businesses

"It’s not just that he slants information or takes things out of context to suit his agenda, it’s that he flat-out makes stuff up and blatantly lies on an almost constant basis."

Exposing America's Billionaire Welfare Ranchers | Alternet

Exposing America's Billionaire Welfare Ranchers | Alternet

"America's .01 percent like the Kochs and the Hiltons are collecting massive subsidies from the federal government."

How Right-Wing Billionaires and Business Propaganda Got Us Into the Economic Mess of the Century | Alternet

How Right-Wing Billionaires and Business Propaganda Got Us Into the Economic Mess of the Century | Alternet

"The corporate Right obscured how they've rigged the "free market" so they always come out on top"

Sign up to be a citizen sponsor of the Congressional Progressive Caucus's People's Budget
"It focuses on accelerating sustainable economic growth, putting federal money into programs designed to create 8.4 million new jobs by 2018, fixing our crumbling infrastructure, aiding state and local governments, targeting tax credits and building public works programs. These programs would generate huge returns, raise living standards and go far to heal the economic wounds created by the Great Recession and its aftermath."

Raise the Minimum Wage

Supreme Court’s corporate humiliation: Why this court would have Jefferson rolling in his grave

Supreme Court’s corporate humiliation: Why this court would have Jefferson rolling in his grave

"These two landmark Supreme Court decisions over the past five years have greatly increased the power of corporations, and we have yet to see the true results. But one thing can be sure, as corporations continue to gain more freedom and power, individuals continue to lose theirs. Corporations and billionaires have exorbitantly more influence than individual voters, and this has created the plutocratic environment of modern American politics. The more corporations spend, the more the law seems to bend to their will. Both natural people and corporations may be afforded the same rights under the law, but corporations simply do not face the same threats and penalties as real, biological human beings.

And even if they did, the corporation does not have a morality or conscience, and would be equivalent to the worst of psychopaths. And the Supreme Court has given these artificial psychopaths all the legal power they need to do what they do best: make money and expand. If converting to Christianity or spending millions on elections helps in this endeavor, you can be sure they will do what is necessary."

How The Supreme Court Could Repeal The 20th Century
"What’s important to understand about the Supreme Court, however, is that it has almost always acted as a malign force in American history — and the brief period from the mid-1950s through the mid-1970s that liberals now look back upon with nostalgia was both an anomaly and the culmination of several historic accidents.
Two other factors also create a significant risk that the Court’s future could look a great deal like the dark moments of its past. The first is that the Republican Party has largely rejected the cries for judicial restraint that dominated its rhetoric during the Nixon, Reagan, and both Bush administrations. And this shift towards conservative judicial activism is being cheered on by powerful elements within the legal profession."

Scott Walker’s “freedom” sham: Legalized bribery, ALEC and an assault on workers

Scott Walker’s “freedom” sham: Legalized bribery, ALEC and an assault on workers

"Most concerning of all, this “right to work” law was pushed through and bankrolled by an out of state organization called the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).

Here’s how ALEC works. They bring corporations and state legislators together at lavish conferences and wine and dine them to their hearts content. In exchange for being given a ritzy vacation, state legislators are sent home with model legislation that’s written by the corporate attendees.

ALEC wrote the Wisconsin right to work law. It’s legalized bribery."

Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Agenda to Raise America’s Pay | Economic Policy Institute

The Agenda to Raise America’s Pay | Economic Policy Institute

"Over the same period that most workers’ wages have stagnated, economy-wide productivity has risen by 64 percent. In short, the potential has existed for adequate, widespread wage growth over the last three-and-a-half decades—but these economic gains have not trickled down to the vast majority."

Republicans Screw Over Students By Blocking Elizabeth Warren’s Student Loan Plan
"Senate Republicans may have blocked Sen. Warren today, but she and her fellow Democrats will continue to fight on for students and the middle-class."

9 Things Many Americans Just Don’t Grasp (Compared to the Rest of the World) | Alternet

9 Things Many Americans Just Don’t Grasp (Compared to the Rest of the World) | Alternet

"1. Universal Healthcare Is Great for Free Enterprise and Great for Small Businesses

The modern-day Republican Party would have us believe that those who promote universal healthcare are anti-free enterprise or hostile to small businesses. But truth be told, universal healthcare is great for entrepreneurs, small businesses and the self-employed in France, Germany and other developed countries where healthcare is considered a right. The U.S.’ troubled healthcare system has a long history of punishing entrepreneurs with sky-high premiums when they start their own businesses. Prior to the Affordable Care Act of 2010, a.k.a. Obamacare, many small business owners couldn’t even obtain individual health insurance plans if they had a preexisting condition such as heart disease or diabetes—and even with the ACA’s reforms, the high cost of health insurance is still daunting to small business owners. But many Americans fail to realize that healthcare reform is not only a humanitarian issue, it is also vitally important to small businesses and the self-employed.

In 2009, the Center for Economic and Policy Research published a study on small businesses around the world and found that “by every measure of small-business employment, the United States has among the world’s smallest small-business sectors.” People in the Netherlands, France, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Belgium and other European countries are more likely to be self-employed—and the study concluded that universal healthcare is a key factor. According to CEPR’s study, “High healthcare costs discourage small business formation since start-ups in other countries can tap into government-funded healthcare systems"."

Bankers Have A Pout Over Mean Old Elizabeth Warren, May Withhold Campaign Cash

Bankers Have A Pout Over Mean Old Elizabeth Warren, May Withhold Campaign Cash

"So these bankers (and the media, apparently) really don't understand how much ordinary people hate them and think they should be in jail. Nor do they get that being a candidate the banks hate is a badge of honor these days."

What Is She Doing Right? Report Says Wall Street Ready to Punish Dems over Elizabeth Warren

What Is She Doing Right? Report Says Wall Street Ready to Punish Dems over Elizabeth Warren

"As recently as Thursday—as the Republicans moved to pass its new budget—Warren could be seen using social media to trumpet warnings about the ways in which Wall Street and the financial industry would benefit by the GOP proposals being put forth."

Senator Elizabeth Warren: The GOP budget would gut Wall Street regulation

GOP Sociopaths, Not God, Don’t Want Americans To Have Medical Care
"The crusade to eliminate healthcare for Americans is not reserved to conservative attacks on ACA subsidies. In both the House and Senate budget proposals, the ACA is repealed, Medicare, Medicaid, and the children’s CHIP healthcare program are slated for deep Draconian cuts to keep tens-of-millions of Americans of all ages sick and dying. It is, no matter how one looks at it, the definition of evil to deliberately strip basic healthcare from human beings, and insanity to invoke some god as justification for social immorality"

Friday, March 27, 2015

Ted Cruz Is So Proud Of His Role In America’s Near-Default, He’s Touting It On Campaign Site
"Cruz may want to claim this moment as part of his economic plan, but economists agree that this strategy hurt, not helped, the economy. A report from the Peterson Institute on International Economics found that the threat of default on American debt and other ways that Congress has governed crisis to crisis meant the loss of 750,000 jobs and sliced 1 percent off of GDP economic growth. The shutdown itself cost the economy an estimated $24 billion and 120,000 jobs in just two weeks. Another report found that uncertainty created by Congress’s manufactured crises over short-term spending bills, the fiscal cliff, and debt ceiling battles had already cost 900,000 jobs before the government shutdown."

The law isn't making Ted Cruz accept Obamacare
"Ted Cruz says he has to accept Obamacare because it's the law. See, his wife is taking unpaid leave from her job at Goldman Sachs for the duration of the presidential campaign, and is giving up her health insurance there. The health insurance that has been covering the whole family. Now, Cruz says, he has no legal choice but to take Obamacare because Obamacare is making him do it.
Except it's not. What the law demands of members of Congress is not that they get their health insurance through Obamacare (unless they have Medicare or coverage from a spouse). It just says that if they do get their health insurance from a plan that's not on an exchange, they don't get a sweet taxpayer subsidy to help pay their premiums."

Amazing Hypocrisy: Ted Cruz Is Enrolling In Obamacare

Amazing Hypocrisy: Ted Cruz Is Enrolling In Obamacare

"So there you have it. Ted Cruz who previously made a big deal about other folks in Congress getting federal health insurance while being on his wife’s private, high-end health plan, is now going to have to buy health insurance on a state exchange, and he may or may not receive subsidies to help cover the cost. If Ted Cruz was really that opposed to Obamacare, why not forgo coverage, pay the fines on his tax return and make that a campaign issue? But this is what the Affordable Care Act has done, and not just for the spouses of U.S. Senators or Goldman Sachs executives. The Affordable Care Act has allowed people to become entrepreneurs and strike out on their own instead of being dependent on employer coverage. Now the Cruz family is showing us that Obamacare is working for America, whether Ted Cruz wants to admit it or not. And who knows, maybe like those infamous “green eggs and ham,” he might just like it."

The fake presidential campaign of Never-Going-To-Be-President Ted Cruz

The fake presidential campaign of Never-Going-To-Be-President Ted Cruz

"Since being sworn in on Jan 3, 2013, Cruz’s senatorial career has been one of self-promotion and self-aggrandizement. His only notable achievement was convincing Republican members of the House — the children’s table at GOP cash-and-grab buffet — to shut down the U.S. government at a cost to taxpayers of several billion dollars and lost jobs.

With the focus turning to other Republicans like Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, and Rand Paul, who think they have a shot at the presidency, Cruz is trying to keep his brand alive and not be relegated to his natural position of bomb-throwing back-bencher."

The Top 10 Most Embarrassing Ted Cruz Moments

The Top 10 Most Embarrassing Ted Cruz Moments

"While trying to bash President Obama and Hillary Clinton, he managed to not only point out just how terrible George W. Bush’s policies were for our economy, but he essentially proved that trickle-down economics is disastrous for our economy."

Another Blue State Outperforms A Typical Koch Fueled Red State Failure
"For a comparison with a neighboring state with Republican governor, Koch employee Scott Walker’s famous “Wisconsin Open for Business” agenda has Wisconsin sitting at a distant 32nd on the Forbes top states for business list, Wisconsin’s job creation is 38th in the nation, and Wisconsin is tied with Iowa for last place in the Midwest for creating private sector jobs. Where Dayton’s tax hikes on the wealthy have Minnesotan’s income $8,000 higher than the national average, Walker drove his state’s median income down to $900 below than the national average; a result of imposing ‘right to work’ laws and abolishing workers’ collective bargaining rights. Remember that Walker equated eliminating worker rights with crushing violent extremists and murdering terrorists; all he crushed was economic prosperity for Wisconsin residents."

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Pew Report: Wisconsin No. 1 State In Household Income Decline

Pew Report: Wisconsin No. 1 State In Household Income Decline

"Gee, I wonder why. Could it be the Ayn Randian splendor of Scott Walker's economic voodoo?"

Look At All The Great Things In The Progressive People's Budget

Look At All The Great Things In The Progressive People's Budget

"Once again, I've yet to hear our corporate media talking about this progressive budget, which includes things that voters actually want."

GOP's Cruel Budget Proposals Threaten to Take Us Back to the 19th Century | Alternet

GOP's Cruel Budget Proposals Threaten to Take Us Back to the 19th Century | Alternet

"Most people will ignore these proposals, for the sensible reason that they will not be enacted. But behind the patriotic-imperial posturing and foreign-policy bluster that have grabbed headlines lately, these imaginary budgets provide a glimpse of the rapacious utopia envisioned by the Koch brothers and their Tea Party-infused ideological mouthpieces, including Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz and Scott Walker foremost among them."

In Blistering New Report Bernie Sanders Exposes The Gimmicks And Fraud In The GOP Budget
"Republicans don’t want to tell the American people what their budget really does."

President Barack Obama Speaks With VICE News

Wisconsin Republicans seek to take away the weekend

Wisconsin Republicans seek to take away the weekend

"Not much else to say to this. I doubt any of the supporters of this bill intend to give up their own weekends. They just don’t want you to have any."

Victorian romance: The GOP’s “Oliver Twist” budget and the comeback of class warfare

Victorian romance: The GOP’s “Oliver Twist” budget and the comeback of class warfare

"To make sense of the distorted dream world of American politics and its perplexing Lewis Carroll rhetoric, we sometimes have to look beyond familiar categories and recent history. This week, for instance, we get to look clear back to Victorian England, a longtime source of fascination for American conservatives and, at least in its stereotypical form, a cryptic role model for today’s Republican Party. The GOP’s House and Senate majorities have unveiled their budget proposals, a fantastical and mendacious set of documents worthy of Mr. Bumble, the comic villain and font of incoherent conventional wisdom in Dickens’ “Oliver Twist.” Most people will ignore these proposals, for the sensible reason that they will not be enacted. But behind the patriotic-imperial posturing and foreign-policy bluster that have grabbed headlines lately, these imaginary budgets provide a glimpse of the rapacious utopia envisioned by the Koch brothers and their Tea Party-infused ideological mouthpieces, including Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz and Scott Walker foremost among them."

Watch: Bernie Sanders Delivers The Most Epic Blow To The New GOP Budgets (Video)
"In a searing rebuttal to the House and Senate plans, Sanders contended that both plans do absolutely nothing to help the middle class and instead benefit the top 1% who still have the audacity to say it’s not enough"

A Roundtable with President Barack Obama: The Cost of Education

President Obama Forces Republican Politicians to Eat Their Own Words | Alternet

President Obama Forces Republican Politicians to Eat Their Own Words | Alternet

"He pointed out how off base Republican willful deceptive prognostication of his policies were."

Paul Krugman Reveals the Outrageous Con Job Behind the Savage GOP Budget | Alternet

Paul Krugman Reveals the Outrageous Con Job Behind the Savage GOP Budget | Alternet

"What's really going on? The charitable explanation is that the Republicans honestly believe the demonstrably false horsesh*t that tax cuts for the rich help anybody but the rich, and somehow magically create revenue for the government. (Yeah, makes no sense.)"

The People's Budget: Progressive Proposal Aims to Un-Rig Failed Economic System

The People's Budget: Progressive Proposal Aims to Un-Rig Failed Economic System

"Overall, the provisions included in the CPC budget contrast sharply with the austerity policies embraced by the right-wing."

Dark-money probe raises questions about Scott Walker donations

The Unbearable Cruelty of the GOP Budget
"The GOP budget makes it very clear where their priorities lie: not with protecting the least fortunate or maintaining a social safety net, but with lining the pockets a select and wealthy few. Is it any surprise that the defense industry gives far more to Republicans than to Democrats? Didn’t think so."

Sanders Blasts GOP Budgets

Sanders Blasts GOP Budgets

"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) blasted as large a hole in the newly-released Republican budget as he could muster, declaring it an attack on low- and middle-income Americans, a fiesta of deregulation and subsidies for Wall Street and Big Business, and a plan to further enrich the nation's wealthiest and most powerful"

Bernie Sanders Storms The Senate and Rips The Republican Rich Get Richer Budget
"Sen. Sanders was correct. The Republicans are offering up the ultimate rich get richer budgets. The goal of the Republican budget is to take money away from poor and middle-class Americans and give it to the people at the top. Sanders was spot on. No matter how much wealth the richest Americans accumulate, Congressional Republicans believe that they deserve more.
The House and Senate Republican budget deserve the scorn of the American people because they explicitly confirm the Republican goal of creating an oligarchic society that consists of a few haves and everyone else being a have not."

Walker’s next target: Weekends

Monday, March 23, 2015

Cut their paychecks and take away their healthcare! The GOP’s insane plan to woo women in 2016

Cut their paychecks and take away their healthcare! The GOP’s insane plan to woo women in 2016

"It is bizarro world out there, and it only promises to get more bizarro as we move closer to 2016. The GOP will be in the unenviable position of pretending that decimating women’s paychecks and taking away their healthcare is the real way to improve their lives. (Because being broke and sick without access to a doctor always turns out so well.) Some in the party may have had a moment of political savvy back in January, but that moment is gone. There’s no disguising the GOP’s blatant assault on women’s lives and basic livelihoods, and what’s ahead looks bleaker than ever."

14 Reasons Why House and Senate Republicans Have Declared Economic War On Average Americans | Alternet

14 Reasons Why House and Senate Republicans Have Declared Economic War On Average Americans | Alternet

"In almost every one of these budget areas, nationwide polls show that a majority of Americans strongly oppose what the GOP is proposing. In other words, the Republicans are not delivering the kind of federal government that Americans want; they are declaring economic war on average Americans by reshaping government to serve the upper classes and biggest businesses."

Top Ten Arguments for Raising the Minimum Wage

Top Ten Arguments for Raising the Minimum Wage

"Worker productivity has gone up much faster than wages. Using the 1968 minimum wage as benchmark, if the minimum wage grew at same rate as worker productivity it would have reached $21.72 per hour."

Cashin' In Crew Fearmongers Over Seattle Raising Minimum Wage

Cashin' In Crew Fearmongers Over Seattle Raising Minimum Wage

"If there's one thing they love doing over at Faux "news" it's looking out for big business while continually punching down and attacking workers, minimum wage, our social safety nets and organized labor. This Saturday's Cashin' In was no exception with all of Eric Bolling's guests other than Juan Williams who was the lone voice of reason fearmongering over an upcoming minimum wage increase in Seattle.

Wingnut libertarian as usual doesn't think there should be any minimum wage at all, and the others were fearmongering that it's going to lead to layoffs and business closing, never mind the fact that the restaurant owners in the area have said this is not true."

GOP’s new moral monstrosity: Trickle-down lies enrich the 1 percent, as wing-nuts assert control

GOP’s new moral monstrosity: Trickle-down lies enrich the 1 percent, as wing-nuts assert control

"On purely ideological grounds they say that overnight their unholy combination of miserly spending cuts for the poor and profligate tax cuts for the rich will juice economic growth by nearly 50 percent, unleashing a cascade of revenue. It’s faith-based accounting based on supply-side economics and it’s never worked. But in the spirit of Florida Gov. Rick Scott forbidding state officials from uttering the words “global warming” and “climate change,” the Republicans have ordered their formerly non-partisan budget analysts to apply the theory. It’s how their whole budget works; like a sleight of hand street hustle, a shell game with no pea."

GOP’s “black magic” budget: Using voodoo to conjure trillions in savings

GOP’s “black magic” budget: Using voodoo to conjure trillions in savings

"while the House budget borrowed heavily from the Paul Ryan school of achieving balance through cutting and privatizing social programs, the Senate budget takes a slightly different approach: magic voodoo savings."

Sen. Warren Introduces Bank on Students Emergency Loan Refinancing Act

Jeb Bush Displays His Stupidity While Discussing Income Inequality and the Minimum Wage (Video)

Jeb Bush Displays His Stupidity While Discussing Income Inequality and the Minimum Wage (Video)

"The Republican economic theory of trickle-down economics is based upon the principle that the better the rich do, the better it is for the rest of us. Yet, here we have Jeb Bush admitting that the rich are doing great – but everyone else is falling further and further behind, especially the poor. In other words, he just admitted that trickle-down economics doesn’t work."

GOP’s “screw the poor” budget: Republicans plan some serious pain for low-income Americans

GOP’s “screw the poor” budget: Republicans plan some serious pain for low-income Americans

"The Republican proposal privatizes everything it can privatize, cuts every non-defense program it gets its grubby mitts on, nukes Obamacare from orbit, and dynamically scores itself into something resembling balance.

It really can’t be overstated just how terrible this budget proposal is for America’s poor."

Jeb Bush Wants To Eliminate Minimum Wage: 'Leave It To The Private Sector'

Jeb Bush Wants To Eliminate Minimum Wage: 'Leave It To The Private Sector'

"Former Florida Governor and potential GOP 2016 presidential candidate Jeb Bush wants a race to the bottom on wages in America."

House GOP Budget: More Money For War, Repeal Obamacare, Cut Food Stamps and Medicaid
"While it should be obvious to the American public what the Republican Party’s priorities are by now, the recently unveiled House budget serves as yet another reminder about what the modern GOP stands for. The Republican Party’s eagerness to cut programs that benefit poor and middle class families, while lavishing favor on the big banks, the corporate CEOs, and the military contractors, demonstrates all too clearly who they work for."

Senator Bernie Sanders: Fighting for Social Security

Scott Walker and the GOP Are Putting the Big Squeeze on Middle-Class Workers | Alternet

Scott Walker and the GOP Are Putting the Big Squeeze on Middle-Class Workers | Alternet

"This is the GOP’s big squeeze. It means the death of opportunity for the working poor to climb into the middle class. It means more of the middle class dragged down into poverty as workers scramble to pay ever-climbing bills with ever-smaller paychecks."

GOP pushes ‘Robin Hood in reverse’ budget

4 Ways the Next Fight Over Spending in Washington Could Seriously Affect Your Life | Alternet

4 Ways the Next Fight Over Spending in Washington Could Seriously Affect Your Life | Alternet

"Republicans have made it clear that one of their top policy goals is to lower top-end and corporate tax rates – the lower the better. What they won’t talk about – but we must – is who would end up paying for those tax cuts."

Why the ‘People's Budget' Works

Papantonio: GOP Scamming Its Followers…Of Course

GOP’s “scam artist” problem: Mike Huckabee & the right’s tradition of organized theft

GOP’s “scam artist” problem: Mike Huckabee & the right’s tradition of organized theft

"The sheer size of the conservative scam machine and the involvement of some of the most prominent names in Republican politics are the consequence of the decades spent transforming conservatism into an insular political movement. Conservatives are explicitly told not to trust anyone or anything that exists outside the movement, and to put their faith in the “conservative” alternatives. TV news is biased, so watch Fox News. NPR is full of sneaky liberals, but Rush Limbaugh will tell it straight. “Scientists” tell you the climate is changing, but they have an agenda and Jim Inhofe can blow it apart with nothing more than a snowball. When you’ve conditioned people to associate “conservative” with “trustworthy,” all manner of mischief can be perpetrated. Add in the desperation felt by people struggling with dangerous illnesses, and you’ve got a population that’s ripe for exploitation.

And that’s what Huckabee does. He exploits desperate people who trust him. He’s part of a grand conservative tradition of leveraging one’s political celebrity to bleed dry the people who form the bedrock of the movement. Looking at this behavior, you can’t help but conclude that it demonstrates little but contempt for some of the most vulnerable people in the country."

Walker Budget Sneaks Major Policy Changes Past Education Agency

Walker Budget Sneaks Major Policy Changes Past Education Agency

"Advancing the privatization of the public school system, and turning community schools into for-profit money-making operations, has long been an American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) priority."

The Only Thing That "Trickles Down" Is Bullshit

Christie Shifted NJ Pension Cash To Donor’s Foreign Firm

Christie Shifted NJ Pension Cash To Donor’s Foreign Firm

"Two years ago, as New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie pursued re-election, his administration found itself mulling investment options for the state’s $80 billion pension fund. In one deal in May 2013, officials settled on a subsidiary of U.K.-based foreign financial conglomerate Prudential plc. With little fanfare, state pension overseers quickly endorsed the deal.

Weeks later, a Hong Kong-based executive director and board member of Prudential plc delivered a maximum $3,800 contribution to Christie’s gubernatorial campaign, followed by a maximum $32,400 donation to the Republican National Committee, which was about to launch a get-out-the-vote effort for Christie. Two months after that, New Jersey began moving public employees’ retirement savings into two funds managed by the Prudential subsidiary as part of the state’s new $300 million investment commitment to the company.

State and federal rules are designed to prevent firms that manage public pension money from contributing to the campaigns of public officials who have the authority to influence pension investments. The sequence of transactions in New Jersey, campaign finance experts say, is troubling."

Huckabee's Diabetes Snake Oil Pays For His Campaign While Killing People

Huckabee's Diabetes Snake Oil Pays For His Campaign While Killing People

"I take it as a given that Huckabee is a grifter. But when that grifting is done to finance a bid for the 2016 presidential nomination and said grifting has the ability to actually kill people, it's time to draw a line and call him out for unprincipled and greedy practices."

WI Supreme Court Candidate Does Full Corporate Press

WI Supreme Court Candidate Does Full Corporate Press

"Daley has also gone on the record that he is quite comfortable receiving all the dark money from special interest groups, just as the four Supreme Corporate Injustices and sees no reason for these injustices to recuse themselves in cases involving their donors. This stance goes against United Supreme Court rulings, but hey, in Wisconsin, laws are optional for the corporate Republicans."

WSJ Has Weekend Weepfest Over DOJ Campaign Finance Law Enforcement

WSJ Has Weekend Weepfest Over DOJ Campaign Finance Law Enforcement

"This little gem of a weep session features Kimberley Strassel and her gang of pundits had a big wet crying together over the Department of Justice's resolve to enforce egregious violations of campaign finance laws."

Michigan Revives Plan To Rig Electoral College To Help Republicans Win White House

Michigan Revives Plan To Rig Electoral College To Help Republicans Win White House

"Maybe it's time we just scrap the electoral college all together? In the meantime, I'm sure we'll see more states controlled by Republicans making these sort of moves."

Monday, March 16, 2015

The Ugly Truth Behind Chris Christie's Sweetheart Deal with Exxon | Alternet

The Ugly Truth Behind Chris Christie's Sweetheart Deal with Exxon | Alternet

"Last week, Republican Gov. Chris Christie's administration settled New Jersey's long-standing environmental lawsuit against Exxon Mobil Corp. for pennies on the dollar. For a decade, the state had been seeking $8.9 billion in damages for pollution at two refineries in the northern part of the state, and yet Christie's top officials abruptly proposed closing the case for just $225 million."

Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Shocking Tax Loophole for Corporations that Commit Crimes | Alternet

The Shocking Tax Loophole for Corporations that Commit Crimes | Alternet

"Congress has generously written the law so corporations can deduct much of their punitive payments from their income taxes! "

Cookie-Cutter ALEC Right-to-Work Bills Pop in Multiple States

Cookie-Cutter ALEC Right-to-Work Bills Pop in Multiple States

"the Wisconsin bill was taken almost word for word from the American Legislative Exchange Council "model" bill. (See CMD's side-by-side here.) And we reported on the Koch and Bradley Foundation funding behind the panoply of usual suspects that flew into the state to testify on behalf of the bill, including "experts" from the National Right to Work Committee, the Mackinac Center and the Heritage Foundation with assists from ALEC "scholar" Richard Vedder and State Policy Network "stink tanks" like the Wisconsin Public Research Institute. And let's not forget the $1 million in TV ads from the Koch-funded Americans for Prosperity group.

But the push for RTW continues in multiple states in a variety of forms. From a legally dubious executive order in Illinois to an equally suspect county-level strategy in Kentucky, ALEC's effort to disable unions as an organized voice for working families marches on."

Louisiana Republicans revolt over Bobby Jindal’s ‘insane’ allegiance to Grover Norquist

Louisiana Republicans revolt over Bobby Jindal’s ‘insane’ allegiance to Grover Norquist

"officials in Jindal’s administration had warned lawmakers during a recent Republican retreat that any attempt to reduce tax credits for businesses would have to be approved by Norquist’s group."

Could Sanders bill save social security?

GOP’s absurd new tax scam: What its “middle-class tax relief” is really about

GOP’s absurd new tax scam: What its “middle-class tax relief” is really about

"right now Rubio’s and Lee’s primary concern is getting people talking about how Republicans are all about middle-class tax relief, even as they continue cranking out policies that overwhelmingly benefit the rich."

The Wall Street Bonus Pool and Low-Wage Workers

The Wall Street Bonus Pool and Low-Wage Workers

"While workers’ wages stagnate, the Wall Street bonus culture is flourishing—in part because of regulatory foot-dragging. Nearly five years after the Dodd-Frank financial reform was signed into law, regulators have still not implemented Section 956 of that law, which prohibits financial industry pay packages that encourage “inappropriate risks"."

'When does the greed stop?'

Friday, March 13, 2015

Wisconsin Loses Jobs To Minnesota Due To 'Right To Work' Bill

Wisconsin Loses Jobs To Minnesota Due To 'Right To Work' Bill

"While Scott Walker and the other Teapublicans were busy pandering to their corporate overlords by rushing through so-called "Right to Work" legislation, Minnesota Republicans were leveraging this to their advantage by trying to get companies to relocate to their state.

It didn't take long for Walker's folly to work to their advantage"

Republicans are Trying to Blame President Obama for the Poverty They Created

Republicans are Trying to Blame President Obama for the Poverty They Created

"Even when we look at our economy, as much as it’s improved, we still have a ways to go – especially as it relates to income growth. And while Republicans will have you believe that stagnant wages are a byproduct of President Obama’s economy, this is an issue that started way back when Ronald Reagan was elected. Hell, even Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) proved how damaging trickle-down economics has been for the middle class when he pointed out that we haven’t seen such an unequal distribution of wages in this country since just before the Great Depression. While he pointed to 2012 as an example in trying to bash President Obama, what he failed to mention was that the four consecutive years prior to the 2008 crash almost exactly mirrored the unequal distribution of wealth we saw in this country just before the Great Depression. Just look at this chart from CNN Money

Do you see that wide, fairly flat area in the middle? That’s the 50′s, 60′s and 70′s – before “Reaganomics” took over our economic landscape. Then once Americans started being fed the lie that “tax cuts create jobs,” suddenly income inequality skyrocketed. The rich are doing better than they ever have before; meanwhile, the vast majority of Americans aren’t seeing anything close to that same level of success.

And even though many Republicans will say that wage inequality is an issue, they continue to claim that the mistake which caused this inequality is the same path to fixing it. It’s absurd. The truth is, every time a Republican says that wages aren’t increasing and income distribution is an issue, they’re admitting that trickle-down economics doesn’t work."

Why Unions Are the Seeds of Democracy

The conservative plot to destroy the middle class: Scott Walker, “right-to-work” and America’s new Gilded Age

The conservative plot to destroy the middle class: Scott Walker, “right-to-work” and America’s new Gilded Age

"From the Gilded Age to the Great Depression to today, the economic agenda of conservatives has been easily summarized in two words: “cheap labor"."

Your Cable Company Is Teaming Up With Congress To Kill Net Neutrality
"31 members of the House have co-signed a piece of legislation titled “The Internet Freedom Act,” of which 29 have collectively accepted $800,000 in campaign contributions from major Internet service providers"

Fox News is worse than Bill O’Reilly: Why the pundit’s fabrications are almost beside the point

Fox News is worse than Bill O’Reilly: Why the pundit’s fabrications are almost beside the point

"the real story here is not just the decline of truth telling in television news, it’s the way that the truth has been replaced by fear."

Is it Time To Disband the Republican Party?

PERRspectives: Six Years Too Late, Media Call Congressional Republicans 'Traitors'

PERRspectives: Six Years Too Late, Media Call Congressional Republicans 'Traitors'

"Sadly, the Daily News and other media outlets are about six years late in reaching that conclusion. After all, with their record-setting use of the filibuster, unprecedented obstruction of judicial and executive branch nominees, threatened and actual government shutdowns, and most of all, their unheard of debt ceiling hostage-taking, Republicans have been undermining the federal government and the U.S. economy since Barack Obama first took the oath office in 2009."

Friday, March 6, 2015

Sen. Warren to GOP: Stop Ambushing Workers' Rights

Thanks To President Obama, Unemployment Just Did Something It Hasn’t Done In 30 Years

Thanks To President Obama, Unemployment Just Did Something It Hasn’t Done In 30 Years

"Oh, but I know what most conservatives reading this will say, “What about wage stagnation!?” Listen, wage stagnation has been an issue since Reagan was elected and shoved “trickle-down” economics down all of our throats. Anyone who supports the ridiculous “tax cuts create jobs” propaganda, then says we have a problem with stagnant wages for middle class Americans, is simply admitting that trickle-down economics is a failure."

Middle Class Incomes Suffer Without Collective Bargaining | Economic Policy Institute

Middle Class Incomes Suffer Without Collective Bargaining | Economic Policy Institute

"As a broad attack on unions continues, with Republican politicians leading efforts to eliminate unions or weaken them in Illinois and Wisconsin, Missouri and West Virginia, and county-by-county in Kentucky, it’s wise to think about what’s at stake. We now know what happens when employers hold most of the cards and employee power is diminished: profits and CEO pay skyrocket, and worker pay flat lines.

It is no coincidence that, as the Figure shows, the share of income going to the broad middle class began to fall as union membership and power were reduced. The middle 60 percent of families depend primarily on wages for their income, so as the unions’ ability to raise wages diminished, so did the ability of middle class families to earn a fair share of the nation’s growing income."

What We Lose With a Privatized Postal Service
"In 2006, Congress required the Postal Service — known as USPS for short — to “pre-fund” 75 years of its retirees’ health benefits. This added $5.7 billion to its costs last year.
No other private company or federal agency has to pre-fund retirement health care benefits. If they did, many corporations would run huge deficits or tumble into bankruptcy. Without these retiree health payments, USPS would actually turn a profit.
Using the deficit created by this requirement as an excuse, the USPS board of governors is closing distribution centers, cutting worker hours, eliminating delivery routes, and slashing jobs."

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Welcome to the New Corporate Feudalism
"This is a disaster in the making for Wisconsin.
Workers in right to work-for-less-states make less money, get skimpier health benefits and are more likely to die on the job than their workers in non-right-to-work-for-less states.
The line from Wisconsin Republicans, of course, is that the proposed right-work-for-less law will improve their state's economy and help build the middle class. But in reality, the exact opposite will happen."

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Middle Class Incomes Suffer Without Collective Bargaining | Economic Policy Institute

Middle Class Incomes Suffer Without Collective Bargaining | Economic Policy Institute

"As a broad attack on unions continues, with Republican politicians leading efforts to eliminate unions or weaken them in Illinois and Wisconsin, Missouri and West Virginia, and county-by-county in Kentucky, it’s wise to think about what’s at stake. We now know what happens when employers hold most of the cards and employee power is diminished: profits and CEO pay skyrocket, and worker pay flat lines."

Shooting the Messenger: ALEC Allies Attack Academic Studies on Right to Work

Shooting the Messenger: ALEC Allies Attack Academic Studies on Right to Work

"The leading study on the economic effects of right-to-work, from Elise Gould and Heidi Shierholz (who is now Chief Economist at the U.S. Department of Labor), found that wages in right-to-work states overall are $1,500 lower."

Minnesota Republicans Look To Gain From Walker's Folly

Minnesota Republicans Look To Gain From Walker's Folly

"Increasingly over the past few years, Minnesota has been kicking Wisconsin's butt on almost every economic measure. Minnesota has lower unemployment, higher wages and a better gross domestic product.

With Scott Walker poised to ram Right To Woe down Wisconsin's collective throat, the gap between the two states are about to grow even bigger as Minnesota State Representative Pat Garofalo, a Republican, seeks to capitalize on Walker's folly"

How Did WI Become Ground Zero For Right-Wing Union-Busting?

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Christie Obscures Big Wall Street Gift In Fine Print

Christie Obscures Big Wall Street Gift In Fine Print

"Under Chris Christie, the New Jersey pension system paid more than $600 million in fees to financial firms in 2014 -- 50 percent more than a year ago, and a higher rate than almost any other state reports paying for pension management. The figures are buried within an otherwise routine annual report that appeared to change the way the fees were counted to make them look smaller than they actually are.

That accounting change comes at a time when the Christie administration is under scrutiny for investing pension money in high-fee firms whose executives made campaign contributions to Republican political groups. The move obscuring the increase in reported fees also comes on the heels of Christie telling New Jersey teachers, firefighters, cops and other public workers that “there are no alternatives” to cutting their retirement benefits because the state pension system is so strapped for cash."

Exposing Libertarianism: The Belief That We Should Give More Power to Those Who Are Corrupting Government

Exposing Libertarianism: The Belief That We Should Give More Power to Those Who Are Corrupting Government

"In a perfect libertarian utopia where things like human nature, greed, reality and facts didn’t exist, libertarianism might work. But, unfortunately for libertarians, all of those things do exist. That’s why when I ask them to name a successful society, either now or in the past, that’s been built on their ideologies – they can’t name one. The truth remains that libertarianism is built on fantasy and driven by the avoidance of reality."

Koch Mandates to Cut Education Spending Spread Like a Cancer

Koch Mandates to Cut Education Spending Spread Like a Cancer

"The Koch brothers' philosophy of the consolidation of wealth by the few is spreading like a cancer. Just look at how their hand-picked governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker - who received massive financial backing from the Kochs - is now being touted in the corporate media as a Republican contender for president in 2016.

Walker, who never graduated from college (leaving Marquette University in Milwaukee for mysterious reasons), has mercilessly attacked education in Wisconsin - starting with the teachers unions and recently extending to the University of Wisconsin."

Right-To-Work Laws: Designed To Hurt Unions and Lower Wages

Right-To-Work Laws: Designed To Hurt Unions and Lower Wages

"RTW is associated with a $1,500 reduction in annualized wages, on average, even when the analysis takes into account lower prices in those states. (On average, wages in RTW states are nearly $6,000 less.)"

5 Signs Scott Walker Is Using GOP’s Racist 'Southern Strategy' to Win in 2016 | Alternet

5 Signs Scott Walker Is Using GOP’s Racist 'Southern Strategy' to Win in 2016 | Alternet

"The legacy of “right to work” laws reaches back to the 1930s, when white supremacists like oil lobbyist Vance Muse initially pioneered the concept to divide and eliminate unions. Muse formed the Christian American Alliance to spread the combined gospel of racism and anti-unionism, pushing the “right-to-work” notion and developing alliances with like-minded groups including the Ku Klux Klan. Muse concluded that the only solution for maintaining segregation was to make union membership or any payment of union dues or fees voluntary. Without such laws, whites would be “forced” to mingle with blacks, although there had been many interracial unions over previous decades.

Crude as it was, Muse’s segregationist argument intersected perfectly with the mentality of corporate managers committed to holding down wages. They recognized that Muse’s “right-to-work” concept would serve to break up unified worker efforts to claim therights granted under the 1935 National Labor Relations Act. Some major corporations directly fused the segregationist and anti-union appeals."

Full Koch Press for ALEC Right-to-Work Bill in Wisconsin

Full Koch Press for ALEC Right-to-Work Bill in Wisconsin

"Wisconsin is governed by the 43 ALEC members who make up the leadership and GOP majority of both houses. Governor Scott Walker is an ALEC alumnus who signed 19 ALEC bills into office in his first year as governor."

Monday, March 2, 2015

It’s worse than Scott Walker and Ted Cruz: Secrets of conservatives’ decades-long war on truth

It’s worse than Scott Walker and Ted Cruz: Secrets of conservatives’ decades-long war on truth

"When Governor Walker replaced “the search for truth” with “meet the state’s workforce needs” in the charge to the University of Wisconsin, he did not make an error. He was articulating the principle that has driven Movement Conservatives since their earliest days: Facts and arguments can only lead Americans toward a government that regulates business and supports working Americans, and they must be squelched."