Friday, July 27, 2012

It's Scary -- Ayn Rand's Nutty Ideas Are Being Taken Seriously, Even in Canada | Alternet

It's Scary -- Ayn Rand's Nutty Ideas Are Being Taken Seriously, Even in Canada | Alternet
"The masters of a Randian society would rule a wasteland of clear cuts, poisoned streams, and empty seas, except for those patches they personally owned and protected. To maintain themselves would be vastly more expensive, in wealth, time and energy than it is today: their own farms, their own roads, their own firefighters and teachers and engineers. Marx made no predictions about the shape of a communist society. Similarly, Ayn Rand and her followers really don't (or can't) imagine what their own utopia would be like.That in itself is the final contradiction of Objectivism: A philosophy of radical capitalism, without a business plan. But it's no longer a joke."