Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Eliot Spitzer: Tax the Traders! It Would Solve Economic Crisis and Stop Reckless Activity | Alternet

Eliot Spitzer: Tax the Traders! It Would Solve Economic Crisis and Stop Reckless Activity | Alternet
"This one is not so new; it has been around for a long time, supported by a wide range of economists, including Nobel laureate James Tobin, as well as advocates, includingRalph Nader in theWashington Post this weekend, and elected officials: a tax on financial transactions. It will give us gobs of revenue. It will fall on a sector that has generated enormous and unwarranted profits for a very few, who at the same time have benefited from huge bailouts and regulatory help and largely escaped any responsibility for their central role in creating the financial cataclysm that we are still struggling with."