Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How Wall Street Won the War (And What Happens Next) | Common Dreams

How Wall Street Won the War (And What Happens Next) | Common Dreams

"Consider this: Despite the fact that the bank paid $20 billion in fines in the last year alone, the only two arrests we’ve seen so far at JPMorgan Chase were those of low-level traders who were not U.S. nationals. There has been no systematic investigation of the institutional corruption that led to these enormous payouts, no attempt to determine how widely that corruption spread throughout the organization or how far up it has gone.

Nor are we talking about trivial offenses. The crimes committed at JPMorgan Chase include investor fraud, consumer fraud, perjury, forgery, bribery, violations of sanction laws against countries like Iran and Sudan, illegal foreclosures on active duty service members and their families … The list goes on and on and on.

Oh, we almost forgot: Bernie Madoff.

And yet, instead of truly paying for their sins, senior executives of JPMorgan Chase have continued to get wealthy at taxpayer expense. If that’s “losing a war,” every conqueror since Genghis Khan would have been happy to do the same.

Remember: Banks don’t commit crimes. Bankers do."