Friday, April 4, 2014

McCutcheon, and the Vicious Cycle of Concentrated Wealth and Political Power | Common Dreams

McCutcheon, and the Vicious Cycle of Concentrated Wealth and Political Power | Common Dreams

"the richest four hundred Americans now have more wealth than the poorest 150 million Americans put together, the wealthiest 1 percent own over 35 percent of the nation’s private assets, and 95 percent of all the economic gains since the start of the recovery in 2009 have gone to the top 1 percent — all of this is cause for worry, and not just because it means the middle class lacks the purchasing power necessary to get the economy out of first gear.

It is also worrisome because such great concentrations of wealth so readily compound themselves through politics, rigging the game in their favor and against everyone else. “McCutcheon” merely accelerates this vicious cycle."