Saturday, May 9, 2015

Carly Fiorina Blames The Pay Gap On The Things That Actually Help Close It
"Unlike many of the other potential Republican contenders, Fiorina believes “women don’t always get compensated fairly and that we can do more.” But what she suggests is getting rid of seniority systems “that reward employees for time in grade, not for merit, performance or hard work.” She sees the main culprits of these systems as “[u]nions, government bureaucracies.”
Yet women who belong to a union and/or work for a government bureaucracy are the best off when it comes to equal pay. The wage gap for unionized women is 40 percent smaller for non-unionized women — they make nearly 90 percent of what their male peers do, not parity but much closer. Perhaps more importantly, the wage gap has been shrinking among unionized workers, while the overall gap hasn’t budged in a decade."