Saturday, May 16, 2015

Sanders and Warren Sign Letter Urging Obama to Get Behind 'Fight for $15' Movement

Sanders and Warren Sign Letter Urging Obama to Get Behind 'Fight for $15' Movement

"In a letter sent to the White House on Friday, Sen. Bernie Sanders joined Sen. Elizabeth Warren and other Senate Democrats in urging President Obama to escalate his support for struggling Americans and get behind the 'Fight for $15' movement, which has galvanized low-paid workers across the nation in a collective call for better treatment by employers, the right to unionize, and a living wage.

Asking Obama to go further than his previous endorsement of raising the federal minimum wage from its current $7.25 to $10.10— and praising a previous executive order issued by the president which raised the hourly pay for federal contract workers—the letter said the ongoing plight of workers and their families across the country demands even more bold action."