Saturday, October 10, 2015

5 Reasons Why Paul Ryan is One of the Most Despicable and Cowardly Members of Congress

5 Reasons Why Paul Ryan is One of the Most Despicable and Cowardly Members of Congress

"1. The seemingly proud way in which he shows off his disdain for the poor: Paul Ryan is a disciple of Ayn Rand, a woman who was basically a sociopath who believed in survival of the fittest. It’s fitting that Ryan chose her as a role model considering she was also a massive hypocrite. Ayn Rand rallied against government, despite heavily relying on government programs toward the end of her life. Just as Ayn Rand basically hated the poor, Paul Ryan shares that disdain for the poorest and weakest among us. Take for instance Ryan blocking poor people from testifying at a hearing about poverty in America, or when he attacked free school lunches by insinuating that parents who don’t make bag lunches for their children don’t care as much for them as the parents who do. Then let’s not forget that he’s someone who’s constantly pushing for major cuts to entitlement programs, frequently claiming the country can’t afford them – while also being someone who’s literally voted for trillions in spending to fund wars and bail out Wall Street."