Thursday, October 15, 2015

The More Power Republicans Have, The More They Screw Things Up

The More Power Republicans Have, The More They Screw Things Up

"In fact, the more power Republicans have in our government, the more they screw things up. For the vast majority of George W. Bush’s presidency, Republicans had full control of Congress. What did they manage to accomplish? The Iraq War, historic income inequality and economic policies that ultimately led to the worst crash since the Great Depression and a national debt that nearly doubled during his eight years. Then looking at Congress since 2010, when Republicans took back the House and seized more power in the Senate – it’s been an absolute embarrassment. From record low approval numbers, to our first government shutdown in nearly 20 years, Congress has been a pathetic sideshow. And things just keep getting worse. It’s pretty bad when John Boehner might not even be able to resign at the end of this month – a move enthusiastically celebrated by tea party Republicans – because Republicans can’t seem to find any person who can get the 218 votes needed to replace the outgoing speaker who actually wants the job.

And why doesn’t someone like Paul Ryan, the lone individual who most believe could get the votes needed to win, want the position? Because he doesn’t want to have to deal with the idiocy of his own party. Just think about that for a moment. A man who has huge presidential aspirations doesn’t want to become the most powerful member of his own party (a move that should be seen as a promotion) because he knows dealing with the ineptitude of Republicans would likely ruin his chances of ever becoming president."