Saturday, January 30, 2016

Donald Trump exposes the Big Lie at Fox News: It’s hate and resentment the network’s shilling, not conservatism

Donald Trump exposes the Big Lie at Fox News: It’s hate and resentment the network’s shilling, not conservatism

"The crowning irony here is that both the GOP and Fox News have spent the past four decades laying the groundwork for Trump’s rise. They have sought to create an electorate that is ill informed and disenfranchised, angry and impotent, susceptible to propaganda, and disengaged from the practical effects and moral necessity of governance. They have reaped remarkable political and monetary rewards for the wealthiest Americans by urging the poor and middle class to vote based on indignation rather than their own interests. Trump is the logical byproduct of this sustained campaign: an isotopic nihilist who could care less about conservatism, who feeds off the adulation of the enraged, self-victimizing masses bred by the conservative movement. If the Tea Party was the beginning of this revolution — the ascent of overt and angry know-nothingism in the guise of conservatism—then Trump marks its apotheosis. He is the unyielding authoritarian redeemer that conservative dittoheads have been awaiting for years."