Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Rep. Jason Chaffetz: 'President Is Exempt' From Most 'Conflict Of Interest Laws' | Crooks and Liars

Rep. Jason Chaffetz: 'President Is Exempt' From Most 'Conflict Of Interest Laws' | Crooks and Liars

"Rep. Jason Chaffetz, leader of the House Oversight Committee and Government Reform Committee told CNN this morning he was not interested in investigating if Trump is in violation of the Emoluments Clause. The Utah Congressman just opened up the Oval Office so Trump can run his businesses through it. Camerota asked, "Will you be looking into any of Donald Trump's possible conflicts of interest?" Chaffetz replied, "The items that we listed are broad strokes. this is the Trump administration so by definition all of those 43 items are going to be about what's going on in the Trump administration." That is a flat out falsehood. The Salt Lake Journal writes, "Of the 43 items listed to investigate, none of them are planned inquiries into the Trump organization's global entanglements and the potential for conflicts of interest"."