Saturday, November 16, 2019

Roger Stone’s conviction, and Trump’s ugly response, further demonstrate the president’s corruption
"President Trump has a remarkable talent for attracting criminals to his orbit, and a number of his associates, such as former lawyer Michael Cohen and former campaign chair Paul Manafort, spent years skipping a step ahead of the law. But once Trump became president, prosecutors took a greater interest in them, and they’re now behind bars. To their number we can now add Roger Stone, who has been convicted of lying to Congress, witness tampering, and obstruction of justice in a trial relating to the 2016 Trump campaign’s connections to Wikileaks, the vehicle used by Russia to disseminate the information it hacked from Democratic Party systems to help elect Trump president. Although Stone departed from his official campaign role early on, he remained in constant touch with the future president. Prosecutors documented 60 phone calls between Stone and Trump between February and November 2016."