Saturday, September 15, 2012

OWS Begins ‘Year II’ With Three-Day Convergence and Call to Debt Resistance | Common Dreams

OWS Begins ‘Year II’ With Three-Day Convergence and Call to Debt Resistance | Common Dreams
"September 17 (S17) is of course the one-year anniversary of the occupation of Zuccotti Park, a reclaiming of public space that galvanized the political imagination of the country and the world with its proclaimed opposition between the 99 percent and the 1 percent, its prefigurative emphasis on horizontality and mutual aid, and its linking of grievances from climate change to Stop and Frisk to predatory debt. All summer, OWS organizers have poured their energy into preparing for a three-day convergence of“education, celebration and resistance” to mark the anniversary — which will include assemblies, trainings, a concert, and a day of direct actions including the People’s Wall99 Revolutions and the eco-themed Storm Wall Street. At the same time, those of us working to organize it are keeping our eyes on the prize of long-term movement building for campaigns like the fight against the expansion of fossil fuel extraction and Strike Debt, an effort to organize a mass upsurge of debt resistance."