Monday, August 5, 2013

Are You Prepared to Shoot the Hostage?

Are You Prepared to Shoot the Hostage?
"Republicans on Capitol Hill have been relentless in blocking any legislation that may improve the economy and President Obama popularity.
 Since President Obama took office, Republicans have filibustered a variety of bills that would have helped the American people and economy.
 These include President Obama’s jobs bill, Nancy Pelosi’s “American Jobs, Closing of Loopholes, and Prevention of Outsourcing Act,” which would have prevented the outsourcing of jobs overseas, and the Small Business Jobs and Tax Relief Act, which encouraged small businesses to hire by giving them temporary tax credits.
 Just last week, Republicans vowed to block President Obama’s attempts to cut corporate tax rates, something Republicans have wanted for years, because to let him do that would be to give him one small victory.
 Republicans have also worked very hard to tear down America."