Monday, August 5, 2013

The Great American Do-It-Yourself Retirement Fraud, Brought to You By Big Finance & Co. | Alternet

The Great American Do-It-Yourself Retirement Fraud, Brought to You By Big Finance & Co. | Alternet
"The United States is on the verge of a retirement crisis. For the first time in living memory, it seems likely that living standards for those over the age of 65 will begin to decline as compared to those who came before them—and that’s without taking into account the possibility that Social Security benefits will be cut at some point in the future.
The culprit? That same thing Mathisen celebrated: the 401(k), along with the other instruments of do-it-yourself retirement. Not only did they not make us millionaires as self-appointed pundits like Mathisen promised, they left very many of us with very little at all."