Thursday, February 13, 2014

PERRspectives: Value Work? Then Tax Capital at the Same Rate as Labor

PERRspectives: Value Work? Then Tax Capital at the Same Rate as Labor

"Republicans have a new talking point. Because the latest analysis from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office forecasts that the Affordable Care Act will give some workers the freedom to work fewer hours or retire early without the fear of losing health insurance, conservatives now regurgitate in unison, Democrats don't "value work."
Of course, that statement is preposterous, and not just because the CBO itself eviscerated the GOP's tried but untrue sound bite. After all, since Herbert Hoover the American economy has generally grown faster, created more jobs, boosted incomes more quickly and even enjoyed greater gains in the stock market when Democratic presidents sat in the Oval Office. Besides, if conservatives really value work, they can they put their money where their mouths are by taxing capital at the same rate as labor."