Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Why Ted Cruz Is Unfit to Be President

"This is one of the biggest stories of the 2016 race for president, but the really disturbing thing is that the media almost completely ignore it. Turn on CNN or any of the other major networks and you're more likely to hear about poll numbers than the fact that the potential Republican nominee for president has been endorsed by a guy who thinks Hitler was sent by God. It's almost like the media think it's acceptable that someone running for president likes to pal around with Christian extremists and theocrats. Well, it’s not acceptable; it's a direct threat to our democracy, which is why it's time for the media to start taking Cruz and his extremist endorsements seriously. Based on everything we've seen up to this point, we have every reason to believe that a Ted Cruz presidency could mean the start of a Saudi Arabia-style theocracy right here in the US. The media should function as the fourth estate and wake the American people up to this before it's too late."