Friday, July 15, 2016

Rebranding public education to make it more hateable
"Kansas has been engaged in a great project for the last two decades—one of running the clock backwards to tear down every institution, every fragment of infrastructure, every symbol of community, and every aspect of a functioning society. Under Governor Sam Brownback, the state has been rabidly tearing away all those nasty regulations and taxes that kept things running in favor of a glorious capitalist paradise. One that’s arriving any minute now. Any minute now. Any minute … In the meantime, the state’s indebtedness has soared and funding for schools has collapsed. When the Kansas Supreme Court ordered that schools be properly funded, a vote to strip the constitutional power of the Supreme Court failed by a single vote before an agreement was made to fund schools one more year by selling off state assets and scraping funds from all around the budget. It’s a “solution” that’s decidedly temporary, and which leaves next year completely up in the air. The state is broke. Republicans are still dead set on their march to destruction. There’s nothing left to sell."