Friday, August 19, 2016

Paul Ryan Just Proved Republicans at the Top Are Still Craven, Morally Bankrupt Weasels in the Face of Trump
"When pressed by people with microphones and cameras who are at this point f*cking dumbfounded that seemingly rational people are letting this dangerous mental patient run roughshod over them, Ryan pushed back with an oldie but a goodie, saying that a President Trump would bring "better receptivity of our agenda" than a President Hillary Clinton. Which roughly translates into, "I don't give a f*ck if we're giving tax breaks to the four billionaires who survived the Trump-initiated nuclear holocaust in a bunker and there are no more abortions because the radiation has made women infertile, as long as we get our way."  At this point there's literally nothing Trump can do that will make these reprehensible a**holes reconsider their decision. The best we can hope for is that Trump truly does take them all down with him."