Monday, December 19, 2016

We Haven't Even Seen the Worst of Trump's Manic Behavior
"there is a damn good political reason for the electors next Monday to fulfill the function laid out for them by Alexander Hamilton in Federalist 68. If the president-elect should be denied the 270 electoral votes necessary for his election to become official, the job of determining things will fall to Speaker Paul Ryan, the zombie-eyed granny starver, and the rest of the House of Representatives. This finally could be the way to force Ryan and the rest of the Republicans to own the entirety of the disaster. For too long now, people like Ryan have been allowed to tap-dance around Trump's manifest unfitness for office. Hell, Ryan would certify the election of President-Elect Charlie Manson if it got Ryan his tax cuts and voucherized Medicare. He should be forced to demonstrate this in public. It would be a way to make the party own not only the president-elect, but also all the anti-democratic, paranoid forces that Stephen Miller exemplifies, and that the Republican party nurtured so assiduously down through the decades that someone like Donald Trump not only was possible, but inevitable."