"It was “education, not income,” that was the strongest predictor of a vote for Trump, according to the polling analyst Nate Silver. In a detailed post on the fivethirtyeight website Silver outlines how Clinton improved on President Obama’s 2012 performance in 48 of the country’s 50 most well-educated counties and, by the same token, lost ground relative to Obama in 47 of the 50 counties where the smallest share of the population has bachelor’s degrees. In this, the Trump campaign was not unique. This week’s Newsweek cover story runs through parallels between the policy platforms of the president-elect and the hard-right populist movements sweeping Europe—but there are parallels in the voter bases, too, including education level. In Britain’s Brexit vote, support for the “leave” campaign was 30 percent higher among those with GCSE-level education or lower, a Joseph Rowntree Foundation survey found. In Austria’s presidential election in May (set to be re-run in December), university-educated voters chose the green-backed candidate Alexander Van der Bellen by a 91 percent to 19 percent margin, while the lower-skilled chose far-right Norbert Hofer by 86 percent to 14 percent. Supporters of hard-right parties in France (National Front), the Netherlands (Freedom Party) and Germany (Alternative for Germany) are all more likely to be of a lower educational level."