"Translation: Reality is what Donald says it is and his followers believe him so that's how it is now. It's obvious Donald himself believes this because that's how he's lived his entire life. He's always surrounded himself with sycophants and yes men that tell him exactly what he wants to hear at all times. But that's not controlling reality, that's creating a fantasy world to live in. And no one, not even the Mighty Donald can make that fantasy a reality on a national scale. Just like Karl Rove once believed that he was one of "history's actors" that forged their own reality, Trump and his cronies are going to discover that one key element that will bring them to ruin: Actual Reality. You remember Actual Reality, don't you? Actual Reality has a track record of raining on the GOP's parade: Republicans once thought that the largest tax cut on the rich in world history would kick the economy into overdrive. Actual Reality said, "F*ck you, enjoy your historic recession." Republicans once thought they could privatize Social Security. Actual Reality said, "F*ck you, your own voters will crucify you." Republicans once thought they could invade the Middle East and usher in a new age of American Colonialism. Actual Reality said, "F*ck you, enjoy your 21st century Vietnam." And so it went. Republicans arrogantly enacted policies that would lead to utter disaster, confident in the knowledge that the Titanic was unsinkable. And so it will be with Donald. Once his incoherent policies send the economy into a tailspin, people are going to start demanding answers. He'll bluff and bluster and shout and blame immigrants but that will only last for so long. Eventually, Actual Reality has the final say. It always does. And the left will have to be ready to pick up the pieces again when history repeats itself."